This weekend on a shoestring

Start the weekend early. Thursday has a ton of not-to-be-missed events, from a local short film festival to Vendetta Creme in Saluda. Then ease on into the weekend. Got 5 bucks? Catch a punk show at the Boiler room or a rock band at Mo Daddy’s. Got 3 bucks? Check out a gospel festival or a Dead cover band. Got nothin’? Relax: there’s plenty to do for free, too.

Buncombe Commishion­ers: Back to the barricades

Board approves $3.1 million Pack Library renovation Commissioners expand county smoking ban County transfers Health Center operations to nonprofit It was a hot-button meeting for the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners. After a monthlong hiatus, the board reconvened Aug. 4 to confront a room packed with anti-zoning protesters and an agenda that included a proposed […]

From folk ballads to food music

To celebrate five years of music, discovery and community, Harvest Records is bringing 16 bands to town, for a three-night, three-venue extravaganza dubbed Transfigurations. Friday and Saturday nights feature an earlier show and a later show, so no one has to miss any of the music. Plus on Saturday, Harvest brings in four independent record-label […]

Happy anniversar­y, Harvest

On a recent Saturday afternoon, when clouds climb over the mountains and spit a little rain every half hour or so, Harvest Records teems with customers — customers who don't come in just to consume, but who seek safe haven among fellow fans, freaks and collectors. They hang out (oftentimes for hours), shoot the breeze, […]

"Love over gold"

There are still a few small record labels committed to hunting down hidden sounds, releasing obscure music from all corners of the globe, reissuing forgotten classics and unearthing overlooked gems. Representatives from four of these vanguard labels will join in a panel moderated by Asheville Free Media's Greg Lyon at 1 p.m. Saturday at the […]

Smashing tambourine­s

Swedish multi-instrumentalist, composer and band leader Gustav Estjes describes the music of his band Dungen as "heavy, but soft as well." While Dungen is unabashedly heavy, there remains great subtlety in the songs, conveyed through extensive use of flute, violin and keyboards. Dungen's sound is a swirling mix, informed by psychedelic rock and European folk. […]

Mean streets

As much as I love cycling in Asheville, it is not without its challenges: steep terrain, erratic weather, a lack of infrastructure and harassment by hostile motorists. The latter peril was graphically illustrated July 26, when Asheville firefighter Charles Diez allegedly harassed Alan Simons verbally, pointed his gun at Simons' head and pulled the trigger […]

Getting your goat

While outsiders might associate mountain cuisine with ramps and corn liquor, Western North Carolinians know the region's most iconic local-food product of the 21st century is goat cheese. It's not surprising that a region as devoutly locavore as ours would embrace goat cheese, which elegantly encapsulates all the best attributes of local food. Goat cheese […]

Outdoors: All wet

Morning is an especially nice time for a summer mountain-bike ride at Bent Creek: The bugs aren't mobilizing yet, the thermometer hasn't hit 90 degrees, and you don't have to fret about afternoon storms. Hoping to avoid those terrible three, I recently confronted a gray, wet rag of a sky that seemed sure to let […]