Hooray for Skinny Legs and All

I want to help spread the word about the young and amazing band Skinny Legs and All. I and many others who heard them perform on Sunday at the stage on Biltmore Avenue were awe struck with their incredible performance. These kids range in age from 14 to 19 but are as professional and well-practiced […]

Had it with Asheville Transit

For the seventh time since I have lived in Asheville, the Asheville Transit System has been unable to get me to a job, resulting in my being unemployed again. This time it was Bele Chere that did it. The first day of Bele Chere, buses seemed to be mysteriously cancelled, with no reason given. None […]

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler August 5 – 11: The last Next Big Thing (for now)

As far as I’m concerned the big news this week is the opening of (500) Days of Summer, but for the blockbuster-minded it’s probably G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, one of summer’s last big openers. I suppose if something bearing a passing resemblance to a movie could be made using Transformers, it was inevitable that more toys would find their way into theaters.

Cranky Hanke’s Screening Room: The almost 10 Best list so far (subject to change)

Well, movie year 2009 is more than half over. Normally, at this time of year I find myself thinking that there’s no way in hell I’ll end up with a Ten Best list by year’s end. The January “white sale” of lousy movies—that often extends till March or April—that the studios dump on viewers who are burnt out after the frenzy of awards season rarely provide much in the way of “best of” material.