The Dirt

I take no chances with poison ivy. Its oil, urushiol, gives me little blisterlike welts that itch for weeks. But by early July, the three-leaved varmint was creeping up the chainlink fence in the dog lot, sneaking into the great swaths of English ivy that cover some corners of my yard, and even assaulting the […]

Unwise cut at UNCA

The Environmental Quality Institute at UNCA is being eliminated because it "does not directly relate to the university's core mission." [according to Chancellor Anne Ponder, quoted in a recent press release] UNCA's core mission is to "Serve as the Standard of Excellence in Public Liberal Arts Undergraduate Education." Does eliminating an on-campus undergraduate research facility […]

Keep veg-diet stats in context

Stewart David's commentary ["Greenwashed," July 1 Xpress] may have been factually correct, but the conclusions of the study he cited, "Food-Miles and the Relative Climate Impacts of Food Choices in the United States," were much more nuanced and balanced than Mr. David's out-of-context quotes implied. Here is an example: David: "… eating a vegetarian diet […]

NC clothesline-defense bill protects environmen­t and property rights

I strongly support NC HB1353, the clothesline-defense bill, as absolutely essential for both property rights and the environment — in the defense against authoritarian, elitist and polluting local governments. This bill is hung up in the N.C. Senate Commerce Committee. If passed, it will prevent city, town or county governments from banning clotheslines (and infringing […]

The gift of Xpress

I enjoy your paper each week, and when I am out of this area, I find I miss it. For some background on me, well, I am almost 50, an ex-military officer, fairly conservative, and have lived here on and off since I was a kid in 1973. I love it here in Candler — […]

The Gospel According to Jerry

By 1936, the Great Depression had savaged the nation and the world, and Asheville and Buncombe County were left in dire financial circumstances. Schoolteachers were being paid in scrip (IOUs from the county that some local merchants reluctantly accepted, at deep discounts, so that teachers could buy the bare necessities of life). Land was still […]

Bar Beat: Bele Chere drinking

It's Saturday afternoon at Bele Chere and standing motionless in front of the Vance Monument, sun pouring down on his head, a street preacher holds a sign that starkly declares "Fornicators & Drunkards shall not inherit the Kingdom of God." Feeding the frenzy: Asheville Ski Club volunteers dish out local brews at the Bele Chere […]

Cranky Hanke’s Screening Room: About those kiddie movies

The whole concept of a list of kid-appropriate movies reminds me of when Frank Zappa testified at the Parents Music Resource Center hearings (remember those?). Much of his point came down to the idea that what was inappropriate for one child was not necessarily inappropriate for another, and that as a parent he objected to someone else telling him what his children were mature enough to process.