Occupation: supervisor, ABCCM
Party affiliation: Democrat
Political experience: none
Endorsements: Just regular people
1) How much money have you raised for your campaign? Who are your top three donors, and how much has each contributed?
I am not about raising money. City Council should represent real people, it should not be bought and paid for by special interests.
2) Do you favor district elections for Council members? Why or why not?
No. The Council should be all-inclusive, never exclusive. How can I serve only a limited area without taking all of Asheville into account?
3) What steps, if any, should the city take to deal with graffiti?
Asheville has one of the finest police departments in all of N.C. — let them do their jobs. They are highly trained and very professional. I'm confident they are more than capable of dealing with this problem. They are aware of it and working aggressively to deal with it.
4) Do you support the implementation of domestic-partner benefits for city employees? Why or why not?
Yes. In this day and age it just makes common sense. This is an issue that benefits everyone involved. Would not you want that on your job?
5) Given the city's current and likely upcoming budget shortfalls, how would you make ends meet?
I would use sound moral judgment in the way the city spends monies. There are a lot of wasteful, even tragic, ways the city of Asheville and more importantly the Council chooses to spend money. Classic example: the Civic Center.
6) Which key elements of the Downtown Master Plan, if any, do you want to see implemented in the next year?
Not very many. We need to start from scratch, with the new Council coming in and focusing on a clear vision for Asheville. After all, isn't that is what City Council is elected and expected to do. Let's make it happen.
7) What measures, if any, do you support to promote bicycle and mass transit?
I am all about more bicycle lanes — a fantastic way to keep Asheville green and healthy. The mass-transit system needs a complete overhaul as far as routes, times and days it actually operates. Long layovers and routes that do not promote people getting back to work.
8) How much of a role, compared to its current one, should the city play in putting on festivals?
I think the city does an excellent job promoting festivals and events.
9) Which sitting member of City Council are you most like politically, and which do you differ the most with?
Robin Cape, Kelly Miller
10) What should Asheville's policy be regarding forced annexation of surrounding areas?
There should never be forced annexation.
“9) Which sitting member of City Council are you most like politically…Robin Cape.”
Write in Robin Cape