Health care protest against repeal of Obamacare, July 29

Press release:


Our lives are on the line. We’re hitting the streets to protect health care, and your leadership is needed because our lives are on the line.

Congress is working to take away health coverage from 22 million Americans by repealing Obamacare. It will hurt everyone by stealing insurance, but women and marginalized communities will be hit the hardest. Republicans will soon vote on dropping coverage for mothers, people with disabilities, working families, and anyone who is vulnerable.

Although our protests kept them from voting this week, Senate Republicans have been vowing to destroy Obamacare for years and they will be back.

Please join us this Saturday, July 29, as we tell Senators NO to this attack on women, families, and our communities.  Bring your most creative signs!  Xpress freelance writer Leslie Boyd will be a featured speaker.
TIME: Saturday, July 29, 2017 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM EDT
HOST: Ellen Perry
LOCATION: Vance Monument (Asheville, NC), US-74 ALT, Pack Square downtown

About Susan Foster
Freelance writer passionate about wellness and spirituality, clinical psychologist, avid hiker and reader. Follow me @susanjfosterphd

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