Volunteers prepare land for BeLoved Asheville Tiny House Village on June 2

Press release from BeLoved Asheville:

BeLoved Asheville will take the first big step in building on the dream of deeply affordable housing! Scores of volunteers (including potential future village residents) will begin turning the dream of a tiny house village of deeply affordable housing for Asheville residents who are experiencing homelessness and poverty into reality Saturday, June 2, at 9:30 a.m. at 15 Overbook Place.

Volunteers will begin preparing land for the land survey process by clearing out debris and downed trees in the bamboo forest, the future home of the BeLoved Asheville Tiny House Village.

The village project focuses on a new model of housing that is deeply affordable, sustainable, community-oriented, and creates equity for the villagers.

BeLoved Asheville puts love for the community in action. We believe in equity as well as housing, education, and healthcare for all. We embody these beliefs in our projects: Free Farmers Markets for elders and families, Neighborhood Fiestas, Homeless Voice Community Power, homeless Street Medic team, Rise Up Studio artists collective, the Grove St Gardens Root Down Tiny House Village.

For more information about BeLoved Asheville visit our website at www.belovedasheville.com; Watch the video about the project at our You Caring site www.youcaring.com/tinyhousevillageasheville

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