City of Hendersonville announces additional closures and restrictions

Press release from the City of Hendersonville: 

The City of Hendersonville has announced additional closures and restrictions to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The City of Hendersonville Operations Center at 305 Williams Street is now closed to visitor traffic. The public is asked to use phone and online options to conduct all business. Any visits to the Operations Center are by appointment only, and the public will need to contact the appropriate City staff member by phone or email to make arrangements.

City Hall is currently open; however, citizens are discouraged from visiting in person when business can be taken care of via phone or online. Visit and choose ‘Pay My Bill’ for online payment options and instructions on how to set up online bill pay. Payments may also be mailed or placed in the drive-thru payment box outside City Hall. City of Hendersonville Customer Service can be reached at (828) 697-3052 or

The Downtown Hendersonville Program Office located at 125 5th Avenue W., as well as the Water Treatment Plant, Wastewater Treatment Plant, and Hendersonville Fire Stations 1 and 2 are closed to visitors. Business with these departments and facilities may be conducted via phone and online.

City of Hendersonville parks and greenway trails currently remain open; however, playground equipment and pavilions are closed to the public. Park visitors are reminded to maintain social distancing recommended by the CDC and remain at least six feet away from other members of the public.

Additional City of Hendersonville updates can be found at

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