Town of Mills River offers public preview of comprehensive town plan

Press release from the Town of Mills River:

Following two years of public input, stakeholder engagement, community outreach, and technical analysis, the Town of Mills River is inviting you to preview the Making Mills River Comprehensive Plan.

Next Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 3:30 and 6:30 PM the Town is hosting virtual meetings to present a draft of the comprehensive plan. These meetings will be conducted via Zoom and livestreamed on the Town’s Facebook page. Please register for the meeting by visiting the project website

The following day, February 18, 2021, the Town will be hosting limited in-person drop in sessions to review maps and answer questions about the plan. This meeting will be held in the community room in Town Hall. Space is limited and you may be asked to wait for a moment before entering the room. Please join us any time between 11:00-3:00 p.m.

Public comment is invited any time after these presentations until mid-March. Beginning in April the formal adoption process will begin with the Town’s Planning Board and Town Council. All of these meetings are open to the public. For additional information about the plan please visit Questions may be directed to Alan Steinbeck at (828) 890-2901 or

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