Curbside collection of regular bagged household waste starting Monday, Oct. 7

Press release from the City of Asheville: 

On Monday, October 7, City of Asheville Sanitation will have crews out servicing both regular Monday and Tuesday trash customers. If your regular pick up day is Monday or Tuesday, set your carts out by 7 a.m. on Monday for collection. (City of Asheville Sanitation customer’s carts will have a City logo on them; if your cart does not have a City logo on it, you are a County customer, not a City customer).

Do not put limbs, yard debris, construction debris, carpet, concrete, or other bulky or hazardous items in your trash cart.  These materials will be collected separately by a contractor. See Debris Collection Information below for details.

You may use both your recycling cart & trash cart for trash at this time. Any carts placed at the curb this week will be processed as trash. You may see both City trash trucks and Curbie Recycling trucks out collecting trash, but all material will be landfilled at this time. Collection of recyclables will resume in the near future.

Place carts where staff can access them to roll to their trucks for disposal. Trucks will only drive on roads that are safely accessible.

Due to numerous factors, we may or may not get to everyone, even on accessible roads. We will communicate information out at the end of the day, Monday, regarding progress and service areas for Tuesday.


Debris collection is estimated to begin mid-October. Debris should be SEPARATED at the curb according to these guidelines. Ensure staff can still access your trash/recycling carts. Do not block the roadway and ensure access for large trucks & emergency vehicles. To the greatest extent possible, please do not set debris to the curb until we have collected the first round of residential trash/recycling carts unless you have sufficient space for proper separation.

DebrisTech, a contracted company with the City of Asheville and Buncombe County, is hiring Hurricane Debris Collection Monitors to assist in monitoring the debris clean up process. These positions will be filled immediately. No prior experience needed and the ability to earn up to $1,000 per week. More information regarding these positions can be found here. 

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