Hey Photogs: River Arts District Studio Stroll holds a photography contest

The upcoming River Artist District Studio Stroll, set for Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 14-15 (10 a.m.-6 p.m. daily) is a great chance to check out the burgeoning industrial-turned-creative arts area, buy handmade gifts (and a little something for yourself), indulge in local food and drink and catch up with friends. (Says the press release, “During the Stroll more than one hundred and thirty studios in twelve distinctive historic buildings are open to the public within a one-mile by half-mile area.  The district also offers visitors a variety of options for dining and a brewery/tasting room. Throughout the weekend, Asheville Historic Trolly Tours provide a free shuttle service between buildings. The Trolly Tour begins and ends at the Chamber of Commerce on Montford Avenue, and makes a 30-minute loop through the district.”)

It’s also an event rife with photo opps, and taking advantage could earn one lucky photog a $100 prize. (Second and third place winners are both awarded $50.) Here’s how it works:

“The contest is open to all ages and all skill levels. To join the group, read the guidelines, and upload submissions click here. Judges will select first, second, and third place winners… Photos must be taken during the Fall Stroll.  Only photographs of current members of the River District Artists Association and their respective studios will be considered. River District Artists’ studios will be identified with a posted membership certificate located on the studio door, or just inside… You take pictures during the times above, upload them to Flickr, and submit them to the Flickr group. All images must be taken/exposed during the River Arts District Studio Stroll. Images that you submit must be uploaded to the Flickr site by the end of the day, Friday, Nov. 20.”

Each participant can submit up to 15 images; the Flickr caption needs to include photographer name, name of the artist and their building, a photo title and a caption. Photographers agree to a “creative commons” license and photos should be marked with “Creative Commons” license. The fine print: “All images submitted may be considered for use by the River Arts District (RAD) for advertising or promotional purposes. Any photographs used by RAD will be credited with the photographers name.”

—Alli Marshall, A&E reporter

(image of Clingman Cafe during the Studio Stroll from Asheville Trolly Tours.)


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About Alli Marshall
Alli Marshall has lived in Asheville for more than 20 years and loves live music, visual art, fiction and friendly dogs. She is the winner of the 2016 Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize and the author of the novel "How to Talk to Rockstars," published by Logosophia Books. Follow me @alli_marshall

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25 thoughts on “Hey Photogs: River Arts District Studio Stroll holds a photography contest

  1. What a cheap way to get a bunch of photos to use for free advertising! $200 for a ton of talent, that’s sure is smooth.

    Yet again devaluing the art of the artists – and this time by the Riverside Arts District! If that isn’t rich. :P

  2. Piffy!

    Well, if it’s “rich”, then it’s not really ‘devaluing’ anything, is it?

    Personally, i think if the River arts District wants to hold a community-building contest, it has all the right to do so. It’s unfortunate that arm-chair critics like MS Bowen hold such disdain for local our community Arts District that they feel the need to be such a negative nancy!

  3. Eh, she’s right about this one, though. Mostly. I mean, real artists shouldn’t be concerned about money. Look at Annie Leibovitz.

    Oh, wait.

  4. Piffy!

    [b]No – I just want artists to get paid what they are worth. [/b]

    Well, then clearly anyone who enters this contest isnt a ‘real’ artist.

    I mean, what self-respecting artist would take a measley 100 bucks for their work, right?

    [b]Dont You[/b]

    No, i dont believe in art. too bourgeois. artists will be the first in the fema camps when shad marsh is mayor.

  5. zen

    Well, i don’t know about artists, but certainly the statement “Well, then clearly anyone who enters this contest isnt a ‘real’ artist.” devalues anyone who enters. I think everyone is an artist in some way.

    And, unfortunately, though the “non-real” artists might get a boost and start taking up photography by trying to win a nice $100 prize, the field will be filled with amateur artists (people who already consider themselves artists) who would like some notoriety and a hundred bucks towards their next Sub-Wavelength Structure Coated, Auto-stabilizing lens.

    I guess i disagree with both of you – $100 seems to be a good way to generate some pictures of the event and general interest, and art isn’t something you can choose to “believe” in. Do you believe in air?

  6. I actually do not believe in air. I have never seen it.

    I also do not believe in Wisconsin. I do not know anyone from Wisconsin and I do not know anyone who has been to Wisconsin. It is a conspiracy of cartographers.


  7. Piffy!

    Watch out Zen! J-Bo might accuse you of just being in the pockets of the anti-art River Arts Council.

    I mean, she is saying quite clearly that no “real” artist would ever sell their photograph for a measley 100 bucks. Everyone knows that is just ripping the artist off.

  8. Pfff you just best watch yourself-
    I didn’t say anything of the sort – you’re just trying to cause a ruckus or a ramble or just some plain old fashioned drama. Get a life outside of these boards.

    I hold no ‘disdain’ for our arts community & I very much work hard to represent the working artists who choose to live here. They are one of Asheville’s greatest resources. So before you start spouting trash-talk – get a grasp on what you are actually saying, because you’ve got only a hint of a clue.

    What I clearly implied was that the Riverside Arts District – intended to represent artists so that they can make a livings wage & earning in our community – is asking photographers out there to go out & spend several hours taking photos, editing them, and then uploading them onto their flickr site. The organization then in turn gets to use any and all of the photos for free, without payment to the artist photographers. Then, without a jury or someone of notable ability to judge & critique the photographs, they will pick one of the many that are submitted for a $100 prize. It has nothing to do with ‘real artists’ – You – not I – made that ridiculous remark. It’s about time and talent & appropriate means of compensation. I understand that this is a great way for a cash-strapped organization to get a wide variety of publicity shots for little means of monetary compensation, but to me it also seems highly hypocritical of their mission & their duty as an artist organization.

  9. Piffy!

    100 bucks seems like a good deal to me. I guess i’m not a Real Artist, tho.

  10. Its not about being a ‘Real Artist’ – and only one person gets the $100. Everyone else gets squat. Anyone who tapes into their human-urge to create is an artist. That ‘real artist’ crap is just a line of BS you keep repeating.

    Anyone who can afford to put $1000 into a Canon or a Nixon digital camera body & a fair lens can be a photographer. But it takes some serious time & effort to take the tools and hone the skills. Zen is right about amateurs who have some money to put into a camera system getting out there & getting practice. It is just that out of all of the types of art & artists that Asheville has, it seems that photographers are the ones who are consistently asked to provide their talent & time for either a few peanuts or Pro bono publico all together.

  11. Piffy!

    I know, photographers are certainly among the most maligned of our esteemed arts community.

    So, I suppose you wont be entering the River Arts District’s Studio Stroll contest, then?

  12. I won’t, merely because I am pregnant & in a extreme risk category, and thus per doctor’s orders I am avoiding large groups of people & the chance of contracting any type of flu.

  13. Um – no. Not compared to a healthy immune system & a safe baby. Not worth $100 at all.

    I’m assuming your saying if I wasn’t pregnant would I go out there? Maybe if they had Rob Amberg, Tim Barnwell, or Zen Sutherland deciding who gets the ‘best of show’ $100 award. As it is, it could be any joe-shmoe who picks his bro for the accolade.

  14. Pfff – I think you’re just trying to get me into some sort of debate – whether about this or Tim Peck or the color of the moon. Doesn’t matter, you will just find any crack in the argument to keep it going. I’ve said my peace. I’m done.

  15. Piffy!

    You’re the one who said the Riverside Arts District is “Yet again devaluing the art of the artists”, not me.

    I, like Zen, think 100 bucks isn’t to be scoffed at. That’s more than a days work after taxes for a lot of Asheville folks.

  16. Yeah but it’s a heckuva a gamble that you will get that $100, like I said.

    Let me rephrase for the sake of clarity. It is not the Riverside Arts District devaluing the art of the artists, it is the River District Artists Association (the organization hosting this ‘contest’).

    I’ve actually talked to many of the artists down in the Riverside Arts District, and not just on studio strolls. Have you?

    A lot of them don’t belong to the RDAA because they don’t feel represented or valued for the fees they have to pay. I’m not saying that is how I personally feel, but there are more than a few artists who have their studios in the district that do have concerns with the organization.

  17. I love contests and clubs, but

    “River District Artists’ studios will be identified with a posted membership certificate located on the studio door…”

    Despite any appearance to the contrary, people making art by the river who have not paid their dues are bums, NOT “River District Artists.” Please do not photograph them for $100 or ask them for directions to Jonas Gerard’s place or mention the lack of climate control.

  18. sh@wn photo

    Yeah, I agree with JBo, while $100 is better than no prize. If I chose to participate, I would spend a lot of time thinking about my approach and preprocessing(as any other good artist). Not to mention the time spent post processing. I just can’t see giving up all of the rights. How about 100 prize AND paying what is worth to use the photographs if chosen to use them in the future. You should reconsider the legality of using this rules page as a legal standpoint for using copyright material without handwritten consent. I just want you to know that Flickr won’t allow you to use the images, AND you will not get a good resolution to print from. This is a lame attempt to gather good photos for future advertising. Kudos to River Arts organizers of this contest for demoralizing the medium. Please, email me if your intent is otherwise. I am open to changing my view.

  19. Atok

    woa woa, ¨I love contests and clubs, but¨, that statement was pretty profane. I hope you take your silliness back and put it in a sack.

  20. JillofFawn

    Anything to make a little x-tra cash is welcomed. Most photographers around Asheville get little to no cash for their work. It is more about the passion for the art than what you make. I think it is good idea.

  21. Karla Held

    I think JBo makes some great points.

    I think it’s important that she pointed out that the ‘artists’ aren’t merely doing ‘art’ but the editorial exercise of putting cutlines on photos and uploading them to flickr.

    I wouldn’t even call this art as much as photojournalism.

    Shawn@photo also makes a good point.


  22. ∆

    Look, just don’t spend that much time on it, or don’t enter.

    I bet the person who wins will be very happy, especially if they only spend an hour or two on the work.

    Damn, I thought all you artists were starving?

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