Twenty for Thirteen

When it comes to navigating one’s route through the weeks and months of a year, a mental compass can help — something easier to carry than a day planner and with less folding than a map. This could be a slogan to live by, a simple epigram to remember when challenges arise or, hell, maybe it’s something to paint on a sign to post in your front yard. From the simple to the absurd, here’s a look at the North Star quips 20 locals will call upon in ‘13.

“See more theater, hear more theater, speak more theater”
Writes Jenny Bunn of Asheville Community Theatre: “We certainly want everyone to ‘see more theater’ — and we’ll continue in 2013 to produce the best theater that includes as many people in the community that want to be involved.” She continues: “But we’re especially excited about the ‘hear more’ and the ‘speak more’ parts of our slogan.” She notes plans to begin podcasting Tom Chalmers’ Listen to This series, to upgrade the mainstage sound system and to embark on an ambitious digital archiving program. “Our hope is that these initiatives will encourage more people to connect with ACT and continue our commitment to being a theater community as well as a community theater.” — Jen Nathan Orris

“Paint every day”
Gus Cutty is a hip-hop artist with Weekend Cult, and a visual artist. His recent murals can be seen on Lexington Avenue, at the New Belgium Brewing site on Craven Street and inside the brand-new Wicked Weed Brewing downtown. Of his slogan he says, “I choose this for two reasons. No 1, I want to paint every day. No. 2, I think that much of Asheville would benefit from more concentration on whatever their passions may be and less time contemplating and discussing the merits of other people’s contributions.” — Alli Marshall

Photo by Jaye Bartell

“Romancing the dominant paradigm into ecstatic submission”
Here’s how Kitty Love, executive director of the Asheville Area Arts Council, explains her slogan: “Through encouraging activity where anyone can participate in creative expression, it changes the way we think of art. Creative activity and creative expression, when engaged in by communities, really increases quality of life. Art becomes more something we do all the time, rather than something only certain people can do. Really, it’s a very empowering thing to change that definition. With the advent of social media, I think you’re going to see shifts in governance happening in the same way shifts in buying have happened. With this globally connected community, the people have a much stronger presence in the way things are defined. It’s really undoing the hierarchical structure, which is the dominant paradigm of our society — a top-down governance — and bringing more of the circle, the expressions of the community as a whole, into the public sphere.” — A.M.

“Try hard”
Chad Gibson heads up the kitchen at 12 Bones Smokehouse in the River Arts District. His motto for this year is, as ever: Try hard. He figures that attitude enhances his personal and professional life. Judging by the flocks of customers who line up for a 12 Bones lunch, it’s working. — Emily Patrick

“Never let fear stop you from making a mistake”
Amy Gillespie, co-owner of the grocery, venue and restaurant Good Stuff in Marshall, says that her 2013 slogan is also her personal motto. “It’s not very catchy, but it works, and it seems to be our business motto as well,” she says. — A.M.

“Surprise still here”
Alena Hennessy is an artist, author and designer. Her new book is Cultivating Your Creative Life: Exercises, Activities, and Inspiration for Finding Balance, Beauty, and Success as an Artist. Her paintings, prints and apparel can be found at her website or at her studio in the River Arts District’s Curve Studios. She says that she and a friend came up with her slogan. — A.M.

Photo by Kyle Sherard

“Get up on that donut!”
If you want something done, then you’ll just have to do it yourself, says Asheville painter Anna Jensen. She will embark on a series of exhibitions in 2013, including a group show at Push Gallery and a solo exhibition in Atlanta. “Get Up On That Donut!” — as with many of the titles and subjects of Jensen’s paintings — cheerfully distracts the viewer and slides past darker subjects. — Kyle Sherard

“Well, at least it’s a pretty hike to Shit Creek”
Pat “Fudgin’” Hinson is a local comedian (voted No. 1 local comedian in this year’s Best of WNC reader’s poll). He tells us that this pastoral adage will be his mantra for the coming year. — A.M.

Photo by Max Cooper

“Get the word out without a doubt”
Steven and Stephanie Paulson think their 2013 slogan sounds cheesy, and so it should. The couple owns Melt Your Heart food truck, which specializes in grilled-cheese sandwiches. As their motto suggests, they plan to set up at more locations in 2013, Steven says. They also hope to draw attention to mobile vending in general and attract more customers to The Lot on Coxe Avenue, where the trucks gather. — E.P.

Photo by Max Cooper

“Give yourself props”
Alsace Walentine, events coordinator at Malaprop’s, sent this slogan, which is a play on words enticing shoppers to the bookstore and cafe, and congratulating Malaprop’s supporters for buying from a local, independent business. — A.M.

“Humor pro sapor (humor before taste)”
Foul Mouth Jerk hosts Asheville FM’s “Worst Case Scenario,” a “talk, music and comedy show featuring the dubious opinions and highly suspect social commentary” of Jerk and his partner TopR Holiday. He also tours nationally (stay tuned for a new album this spring) and heads Gurp City South, a local promotion company that represents a handful of regional hip-hop artists. Jerk can be found many, if not most, evenings at his favorite local bar, DeSoto Lounge. — Dane Smith

“Goodness is its own reward”
Area musician Shane Perlowin, known for his complex, labyrinthine guitar playing with local group Ahleuchatistas, offers a simple, straightsighted ethos. “It means, be a good person. It means, don’t be an a—hole. That’s the subtext.” He continues: “We’re more than a summation of our accomplishments, or our perceived accomplishments. Material gain and glory in our society is a false promise.” As for the motto’s daily applications, he says, “I’m sort of old fashioned. I think chivalry is a lost art. Is it an art? Chivalry as in protecting the weak and suffering, and punishing evil, and honoring the feminine. That’s infinitely more valuable than an embarrassment of attention or riches.” — Jaye Bartell

Photo by Max Cooper

“Pay me”
It might be said that the creative sector is used to being shortchanged. Many people refuse to see the value in the time, effort and materials that it takes to create a work of art, regardless of the format. And as such, they offer little and occasionally no form of payment. Let’s not even get into theft (just ask a handful of galleries in the city if they’ve ever had work stolen). Andy Herod is familiar with this reality. A Florida-based festival commissioned Herod to paint wooden figures with holes for people’s faces. They didn’t pay him, thus was a lesson learned and a slogan born. — K.S.

Photo by Jaye Bartell

“Ride. Relax. Connect.”
Since Asheville Transit was re-christened Asheville Redefines Transit in 2011, the bus system has gradually recast other areas of service, including route and timetable changes and a rebranding with a fresh slogan: Ride. Relax. Connect. Transportation planning manager Mariate Echeverry touts the system’s credo. ART’s developments are under way, she says, noting that expanded holiday service — a longtime rider request — started with New Year’s Day. About the slogan, Echeverry explains it as three distinct, interdependent parts: “We think that the buses need to be able to provide the citizens’ needs, and that’s the ‘Ride’; It has to be in a comfortable environment, and that’s the ‘Relax’; and then to connect [riders] with the activities and people [they] want; to give [them] the opportunity to explore the community — that’s the ‘Connect.’” — J.B.

Photo by Jaye Bartell

“Get your art on”
Art is for everyone, simply put. And Asheville Art Museum curator Nancy Sokolove believes that, “whether you are a viewer of art, or a creator of art,” the arts have something to offer everyone. And with this sentiment, she and the staff ease into the coming year with new exhibitions. Sokolove is currently finishing up work on her most recent curatorial endeavor: “The Philadelphia Story.” The exhibition opens Jan. 26 with a look into the dynamic and varied nature of contemporary figurative artworks, specifically from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. — K.S.

“The left lane is for passing; the right lane is for traveling”
Conor Quinn, owner and founder of Munchies ‘n More, a delivery service that brings sundries to your door, sat down with his staff to talk about their 2013 slogan. They decided to send a message “for the people of Asheville and the world.” What better motto for a delivery service than a helpful road safety reminder? — E.P.

“Make sure that shirt’s clean in two-thousand thirteen”
Jon Reid is the host of Asheville FM’s “Race to the Bottom,” a two-hour comedy and music program he describes as a “whirlwind trip through the hilarious and the tragic.” In addition to spinning records, Reid himself is a versatile multi-instrumentalist and singer who’s released four retro-soul albums under the Jar-e moniker. In spring of 2011, he was featured on NPR’s “Weekend All Things Considered” after his relentless tweet-heckling of the program’s former host, Guy Raz, caught the attention of producers. Turns out, Raz was a big fan of the tunes. — D.S.

“Reviving the retaliation through rhetorical response and re-envisioning reality through the rescuing of the real”
Matt Schnable is co-owner of West Asheville’s Harvest Records and the Harvest Recordings imprint, a vinyl-only label that in 2012 released new albums by Asheville staples Ahleuchatistas and Floating Action. He and his business partner, Mark Capon, also book and promote shows with nationally touring artists, primarily at the Grey Eagle. Schnable offered his slogan somewhat reluctantly, noting, “I was just looking at a bottle of Synergy-Trilogy kombucha, so I had a bunch of R-words in my head.” — D.S.

Photo by Max Cooper

“Bring it to the balds”
Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy’s motto is more of a challenge. Here’s how they describe it: “Are you bold enough to hike the breathtaking grassy balds of the Roan Highlands? Take the Triple B Challenge in 2013: Join SAHC in traversing 17 miles across the longest contiguous stretch of grassy balds in the world. The Highlands of Roan are SAHC’s flagship focus area; we’ve protected over 19,000 acres of globally significant, rare habitat and incredible views here — and we want to show it off! In conjunction with the challenge, we’ll be offering guided hikes to other Southern Appalachian peaks throughout the year, with special rewards for those who successfully complete the Triple B Challenge.” — J.N.O.

“Don’t quote me on that”
Downtown Books and News manager Julian Vorus’ slogan is the absence of a slogan. “It means to have a sense of humor,” he says, when asked if that is really what he wanted to say. “I’m saying ‘don’t quote me on that’ when you asked me for a quote.” Vorus is also a playwright and performer. His one-act play, Red White Black, has its second run at the 2013 Asheville Fringe Festival. While the piece as a whole is much starker than his lighthearted saying, there is just as much gallows humor in the story of “three friends … attempting to break free of the past in order to progress in the present.” — J.B.


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2 thoughts on “Twenty for Thirteen

  1. Clay White

    Dane, using proper Latin it would actually be “Humor pro sapore”. Just a heads up! :)

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