Xpress Asks: What are your plans for the weekend?

It’s the weekend, and for most of us that means a guilt-free chance to get out an have some fun. Normally, we here in the Xpress A&E department would be busy trying to convince you to head out to a show, performer or event that we like. But, this weekend, we thought we’d switch it up a little and ask what performances you are excited about seeing before the work-week grind starts up again on Monday.

Need a little help with the details? Check out our Clubland music listings, our community calendar and Smart Bets sections for the details of nearly every local performance taking place this weekend.

Place your suggestions, plans and insights into the comment field below (you’ll have to register, but it’s quick and painless), and let us hear your thoughts.

— Steve Shanafelt, A&E reporter


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4 thoughts on “Xpress Asks: What are your plans for the weekend?

  1. Spellbound

    I will be reliving some of the highlights of one of my favorite books from childhood at the Asheville Community Theater’s production of “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing,” tonight at 8pm. I heard great things about the opening night performance last night, and I’m really looking forward to it.

  2. sasquatch

    I mostly had plans to stay in this weekend and clean, do my taxes, etc.–it’s a slow weekend for the type of music I tend to go and see live. However, in browsing the listings, I came across this listing for Sunday:

    The Emerald Lounge: Sugar Minot & the Danger Reggae Band w/ Shining Rock

    While it seems awfully odd to me that Sugar Minott has come out of hiding in Jamaica and is playing a Sunday show here at the E-Lo (I can’t find anything about this on his web site or Shining Rock’s myspace page, not to mention his name is spelled differently in the listing), if this show is truly the Godfather of Dancehall, I will be there with bells on. These types of shows are the reason I love Asheville. How random. But I plan on checking this out, the curiosity is killing me.

  3. zen

    this weekend is a non-event weekend. Take the dog to the dog park at Amboy and Riverview, cruise around downtown if it’s nice and maybe take some photos and work in the garden (divide those decorative grasses on the side yard and start on the veggies for next year).

    Dull, i know. But also stress-free! ;)

  4. Don’t feel too bad, Zen. I’ve spent most of this evening cleaning out guinea pig cages with my wife. My big plan for the evening is to watch a little of The Office: Season Two while eating a pizza. It’s very, very punk rock around here, I assure you.

    Oh, and while I’m thinking about it, I should mention that we’ll be reviewing the ACT play Spellbound mentioned in the May 21 issue.

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