You don’t have to drink Pepsi to admire the can art

Local artist Eddie Gumm recently entered Pepsi’s Design Our Pepsi Can contest, hurtling into the competition’s final five. The problem? According to the designer, Pepsi has no idea where Asheville, N.C., is.

For Gumm, this in itself is motivation to stomp the competition: It’s another chance to put his hometown on the map. But the artist is up against some fierce contention. The other forerunners are New Yorkers with big-city connections and mile-long address books. “It’s a popularity contest,” Gumm notes.

Indeed, the winner is chosen (American Idol-style) by a public vote, which runs through June 18 on the Pepsi site. So, to drum up support, Gumm is holding a Super Bash on Monday, June 11 at Scully’s Signature Dine & Drink (13 Walnut St., Asheville, 251-8880). The 8 p.m. event includes games, prizes, a guitar hero tournament and voting stations where you can log on and support Gumm’s design.

“Even if people don’t like Pepsi, they’ll like my can,” the artists says. “It’s inspired by Asheville: It’s eclectic.”

— Alli Marshall, A&E reporter


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About Alli Marshall
Alli Marshall has lived in Asheville for more than 20 years and loves live music, visual art, fiction and friendly dogs. She is the winner of the 2016 Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize and the author of the novel "How to Talk to Rockstars," published by Logosophia Books. Follow me @alli_marshall

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One thought on “You don’t have to drink Pepsi to admire the can art

  1. Brett & Soph'

    Go Eddie! :o) Good luck. I posted/sent your story to my friends.

    Brett & Soph’

    By inspiring bold and creative artwork, aims to inspire much more bold and creative scientific research into a possible CURE for multiple sclerosis (MS) and every disease and disability on the face of the planet.

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