redhanded: a songe forre the loste

These are not pretty pictures. kore loy wildrekinde-mcwhirter's etchings are drawn with great care, but they are far from pleasing. In 1898, in his What is Art, Leo Tolstoy wrote, "To evoke in oneself a feeling one has once experienced … then, by means of movements, lines, colors, sounds, or forms expressed in words, so […]

Getting Sirius

"When you're doing pop and jazz, ugly sounds are encouraged," says cellist Franklin Keel. Not the case in classical group Opal String Quartet or as first cello in the Asheville Symphony — two of Keel's musical engagements. But, as the newest member of self-described "absurdist gypsy folk funk punk" sextet Sirius.B, Keel is making nice […]

When ‘Pops’ Was Tops

About a year ago, Asheville swing-jazz conductor Russ Wilson was touring when he received an e-mail from Raleigh trombone player Bob Gregory. "He'd been noodling on the internet, looking at old sheet music, anything vintage, and he came across a Web site with transcripts of old dance band recordings," says Wilson. "The note said 'It's […]

Junker’s Blues

Winter sure is hard on creatures that try to live off of the land, and junkers are no exception. This is the time of year when all right thinking foragers spend their time in hibernation, living off the stores of scores they've made throughout the more productive months. Better to be warm, safe and secure […]


Crowded into the stage area of BoBo Gallery, five-piece indie-pop group Do It To Julia (newcomers to Asheville as of last September) seem to have already outgrown the venue. But more than the sold-out room, the band's head count and the sprawling keyboard, it's the presence of DITJ's members that suggests amplitude. From the opening […]

Video a-go-go

In this week’s round up: the peace and quiet of Asheville after a heavy snowfall, teens make a silly Breakfast Club-style dance montage, an iron pour at Phil Mechanic, graffiti’s many faces, plus a jam-band rendition of Bizet’s “Habanera”

Edgy Mama: Barley’s pizza and other baby-birthing inducement tricks

I was reminded of my attempts to induce my babies to check out of the uterine hotel when I realized that it’s Barley’s Pizzeria and Taproom’s 15th anniversary this year. What does Barley’s have to do with inducing labor? A lot, if you believe some local moms who swear that a big slice of Barley’s pie sent them running for labor and delivery.