Extended play

According to Asheville’s Secret Agent 23 Skidoo, most musicians who release a CD feel like the rest of the world can’t help but love it, too. But to actually get public praise is a sweet surprise. However, when it comes to Easy, his hip-hop album for kids that debuted this time last year, the musician […]

SoundTrack­: Local CD roundup

Whether it’s world music, Appalachian folk, lounge or rock, Asheville-area artists tend to temper their sounds with eclectic add-ons and unexpected twists. These new releases—from two fairly well-known groups and two up-and-comers—show how a little fusion goes a long way. Hiding in Plain Sight by Locomotive Pie This extended-length (15 tracks) collection of mostly original […]

Hands-on approach

In relationships, close quarters can build strong bonds or fierce resentments. Think of spouses co-owning a business or siblings sharing a bedroom. At the Clayspace Co-op, a working ceramics studio in Asheville’s River Arts District, the six members manage to cohabitate with relative ease. Awake at the wheel: Heather Tinnaro, the newest member of Clayspace, […]

Work in progress

Days from celebrating his 67th birthday, songwriter and alt-country singer Guy Clark isn’t resting on his laurels. Sure, he’s been dubbed a national treasure (“He remains a national treasure and folk icon,” lauds promotions agency Concert Wire; some 2,200 other Google hits confirm that portrayal) but he remains unaffected. “Of course it’s flattering, but you’ve […]

More treats than tricks

Here are my predictions for this year’s Halloween: Sarah Palin will top the list of popular costumes, pirates will still make a strong showing (though not like the previous three years) and Christina Ricci’s portrayal of pig-nosed Penelope in this year’s fantasy film of the same name will not get nearly the costume play it […]