The green dress address

Green is the new white, when it comes to ecologically minded matrimony. Martha Stewart Weddings-touted lists sustainable couture bridal gowns by the likes of Annatarian and Olivia Luca. Luxe fabric choices include fair-trade hand-woven silk organza, soy knit and Hempcel. “Grace” pleated wedding gown: Organic-cotton jersey with floral embroidery, a center inset of cascading […]

The green honeymoon

“The honeymoon is supposed to be one of the most memorable occasions of anyone’s life, so picking a place that will make a those lasting memories is important,” says Allen Mitchem, a representative with Fifth Avenue Consulting in Hendersonville. For newlyweds who believe in the adage “begin as you mean to continue,” that memorable trip […]

Top Drawer: fashion news and views

Reusability is key at The Lazy Susan (625 Haywood Road, West Asheville, 225-3235), a kitchen emporium featuring new products, consignment items and antique furnishings. Owner Jane Northway explains that everything her 3-year-old business carries has a proven track record. Either it’s already lasted decades (if not generations) or—in the case of new items—is practical enough […]

Wise men say

Folk singer Arlo Guthrie is on vacation someplace where he can’t get phone reception, but, for some reason, he can get e-mail. In this, the age of information, such a vacation begs for speculation. The Perhentian Islands of Malaysia? Nome, Alaska? Amish country, perhaps? Precious friend: Arlo Guthrie may be an icon of the ‘60s […]

(Whenever you’re near) I hear a symphony

When Valentine’s Day rolls around, the romantically inclined are drawn to certain tried-and-true measures. Roses, chocolates, and (if at all possible) a violinist bowing the soulful strains of some time-tested chestnut. “The Blue Danube,” perhaps, or “Hungarian Dance No. 1 in G minor.” The salacious side of Strauss: Daniel Meyer, the Asheville Symphony’s musical director […]

Top Drawer: fashion news and views

In case you haven’t heard, the Asheville arts world is all a-twitter (sorry) about HATCHfest (, a proposed multidisciplinary networking convention to be held next year. Arts luminaries came out of the woodwork for a Hatchfest preview party at Echo Mountain Recording Studio (14 N. French Broad Ave., Asheville), representing music, technology and literary and […]

Gord’s golden years

In the view of legendary Canadian singer/songwriter Gordon Lightfoot, the folk-music revival was “really only in vogue for three years” before The Beatles burst on the music scene. And by the time folk superstar Bob Dylan hit, folk was already over. If you could read his mind: Gordon Lightfoot has long been one of Canada’s […]