New blues

Vieux Farka Touré, the son of late Malian music legend Ali Farka Touré, wants to make one thing clear. Though his father was known as the “John Lee Hooker of Mali,” the younger Touré is dealing with a whole new shade of blue. Heir apparent: Vieux Farka Touré, like his father Ali, is one of […]

Forming Clay into rock

After 2003 American Idol runner-up Clay Aiken performed in Syracuse, N.Y. (backed by the Syracuse Symphony Orchestra, no less), the Web site dubbed the pop singer “the beloved singing teddy bear placed near a young girl’s flouncy canopied bed.” From Idol to icon: Although American Idol runner-up Clay Aiken may lack the artistic credibility […]

Know thy beehive

What does it mean to be the “World’s Greatest Party Band” (even if self-proclaimed) in an age when the term “party” is increasingly linked to terms like “green,” “people’s” and “for the planet”? “Love Shack” at Biltmore Estate: Surreal enough, even for Fred Schneider. For the B-52’s, holder of said title, it means that more […]

Top drawer: fashion news and views

The new carpetbaggers Carpetbagging used to be a bad thing, referring to opportunists and outsiders in the war-tattered South. These days, carrying a tapestry tote is an insider prerogative. These bags, seen around town, are the best in summery style. • A multicolored tote by local artist Ruth Ingram (contact the designer at • […]