Succoring the “sick men” of Nicaragua: Vision Nicaragua

There’s a long-standing relationship between Christian evangelism and providing material aid. Vision Nicaragua does both, attending to the spiritual needs of several Nicaraguan communities while also supplying shelter, medical aid and financial support. Setting up shop: Asheville electrician Scott Bruns (center) teaches Nicaraguans Marlon and Melvin (seated) some basic electrical principles, with Carlos, a local […]

Try this on for size

Several high-profile downtown buildings and proposed projects wouldn’t meet the standards spelled out in the draft Downtown Master Plan, a city planner told members of the Downtown Commission and the Downtown Master Plan Advisory Committee. In a Feb. 5 presentation, Urban Planner Alan Glines reviewed a short list of downtown structures’ level of conformity to […]

Asheville City Council

Council jumps aboard economic-stimulus train Foreclosures spur grant application Development planned for Sulphur Springs property Pet crematory tabled Council member Kelly Miller caused a stir during the Asheville City Council’s Jan. 27 meeting when, backed up by the city attorney, Miller declined to recuse himself from a vote on asking state legislators for permission to […]

Let’s talk about the Downtown Master Plan

The draft document of the Downtown Master Plan has been public since last week, but Thursday, Jan. 15, is the official rollout date, when Asheville residents can hear—and comment on—details addressed in the draft, such as building-height and new compliance guidelines and the already-controversial Asheville Design District, a proposed new downtown-management entity. (View the document […]