Asheville Trader Joe’s won’t need Council approval

Since news broke last week that Trader Joe’s is coming to Merrimon Avenue, reactions have ranged from enthusiastic support to criticism over its location. But there won’t be any showdown in the halls of government: Due to city rules, the grocery chain’s proposed location won’t go before Asheville City Council or the Planning and Zoning Commission for a vote.

Moving pictures

June 26 meeting Ingles sign variance voted down Tobacco sponsorships banned from future festivals Staff studies aren't usually particularly controversial. But a proposed traffic-engineering study for the Charlotte Street corridor got some pushback at the Asheville City Council’s June 26 meeting. Some area residents said the $50,000 study is an unnecessary expense — and the […]

Shuler on contempt vote: “dysfunction and partisanship rule the day”

Full announcement from Rep. Heath Shuler: Washington, DC — Today U.S. Representative Heath Shuler (D-NC) released the following statement in advance of the vote to hold Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. in contempt of Congress: “Today the House of Representatives proved once again that dysfunction and partisanship rule the day. The vote to hold […]