The idea of local economy has become a growing global movement to build a saner and more sustainable world. Increasingly, people are waking up to the simple truth that “local” matters — the best way to help out their economy is by keeping it as local as possible. This is not merely wishful thinking: For decades, local economic development specialists have been practicing this core concept — the more money circulates, the better it is for the economy, and when it circulates locally, then the benefits are multiplied.
From the Get It! Guide: The idea of local economy has become a growing global movement to build a saner and more sustainable world. Increasingly, people are waking up to the simple truth that “local” matters — the best way to help out their economy is by keeping it as local as possible.
I want to applaud Jeff Fobes’ commentary on “Invest Local” and his commitment to publishing practical examples and ideas for increasing local investments in our region [”The Local Economy,” March 6 Xpress]. Personally I have met numerous conscious investors interested in having their money build wealth here instead of enriching firms and financial institutions there. […]
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