NRCC targets Rep. Heath Shuler, charging Democrat “negligenc­e” in failed deficit reduction deal

An email sent out by the National Republican Congressional Committee targets 11th District Rep. Heath Shuler, blaming the Haywood County Democrat for what seems to be the impending failure of the bipartisian “Super Committee” to endorse a plan to cut the deficit. Although Shuler wasn’t on the committee, the national effort could be the opening salvo in its effort to soften his support and unseat him next year.

*UPDATE* With recount complete, Davis edges out Gray by 35 votes in City Council race

UPDATE: A recount of the votes completed and certified by the Buncombe County Board of Elections this afternoon, Nov. 18, didn’t significantly change the results of the election. Incumbent Jan Davis retained his third place finish – and his seat on Asheville City Council – by a total of 35 votes over challenger Lael Gray.

Patsy Keever: I’ll run for Congress in the 10th District if redistrict­ing maps hold

Statehouse Rep. Patsy Keever confirmed today, Nov. 18, via a message on her Facebook page, that she’s planning to run for Congress in the 10th District if the redistricting maps proposed by the General Assembly become law ahead of the February 2012 filing deadline. If so, she would face Asheville Mayor Terry Bellamy in the Democratic primary.

Head to head: Amid lean times, local beer business flourishin­g

The old adage that the business of booze is recession-proof — or recession-resistant, anyway — seems to be panning out for local brewers. Despite tough economic conditions the last few years, the local beer scene has been abuzz with new breweries, expansions and growing acclaim. Since 2008, Asheville has birthed four new independent, locally owned […]

Vetting the vets

Buncombe County Board of Commissioners meeting Nov. 1, 2011 CTS property owner withdraws appeal of condemnation Planning Board appointments postponed With Veterans Day approaching, the Buncombe County commissioners dedicated most of their Nov. 1 meeting to honoring those county residents who’ve served in the military and reviewing the local services available to them. After Commissioner […]

Playing the field

Buncombe County Board of Commissioners Oct. 18, 2011 meeting Retaining-wall ordinance tightened CTS condemnation hearing postponed In yet another attempt to maintain services while cutting costs, the commissioners unanimously approved leasing soccer fields at the Buncombe County Sports Park in Enka-Candler to the Asheville Buncombe Youth Soccer Association. Under the agreement, the nonprofit will handle […]