School or scandal?

Amid continuing tough economic conditions, A-B Tech is asking Buncombe County residents for help. On Nov. 8, voters will weigh in on a quarter-cent sales-tax increase to fund capital improvements that officials say are needed to serve a rapidly growing enrollment at the community college. The proposed hike amounts to 2.5 cents on a $10 […]

Local Matters: President Obama’s jobs speech at the Asheville Regional Airport

President Barack Obama swooped in to the Asheville Regional Airport Oct. 17, praising the town and delivering a combative speech to hundreds of supporters gathered on the tarmac to greet him as he kicked off a bus tour of North Carolina and Virginia. This post includes an audio recording of the speech and the latest edition of the Mountain Xpress’ local-news podcast, in which reporter Jake Frankel shares observations from the event.
Photo by Jonathan Welch

Buncombe County Register of Deeds responds to WE DO campaign

Buncombe County Register of Deeds Drew Reisinger upheld state law Oct. 3 by denying a marriage license to a number of same-sex couples, including Rev. Kathryn Cartledge and Elizabeth Eve, her partner of 30 years, among others. They were joined by a group of supporters including state House Rep. Patsy Keever and Asheville City Council member Gordon Smith, both of whom Reisinger supported in their respective elections. Later that day, Reisinger posted the following thoughts on his Facebook page

Going green

Buncombe County Board of Commissioners Sept. 13, 2011 meeting CTS building condemned, demolition planned Grants sought for Mountain Mobility Buncombe County is working to cut energy costs, lower carbon emissions and preserve farmland, various staffers told the Board of Commissioners Sept. 13 in a series of reports on current environmental initiatives. Assistant County Manager Jon […]

Works of heart

In 1981, the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention published a report about a rare pneumonia that struck down five young, previously healthy gay men in Los Angeles. Five years later, the Asheville-based Western North Carolina AIDS Project formed, dedicated to prevention, education and assisting those living with the disease. And in the early […]