You are happening

On Saturday, March 17, head downtown for an out-of-doors art exhibition of many forms. Much more than a preview for the April 7 {Re}Happening on the banks of Lake Eden, the {Pre}Happening joins BMCMAC and MAP with Easel Rider, the city of Asheville-sponsored “mobile art lab.” (Photo by John Leidel. Graphic treatment by Nathanael Roney.)

Letters to the editor: U.S. Cellular edition

Xpress received a large volume of letters about the proposed agreement between the city of Asheville and U.S. Cellular. Announced on Nov. 10, the deal would grant naming rights to the Chicago-based company in exchange for an investment of “up to $1.3 million over eight years.” The deal is subject to Council approval, scheduled for the Nov. 22 meeting. Dozens of readers responded with a similar argument — the negotiations were too covert; corporate sponsorship clashes with Asheville’s distinct character; the bidding process for such a deal should be open — but many of the perspectives are unique. Two readers applaud the potential deal. In the following special post, Xpress compiled the letters on the proposed agreement. (Image provided by U.S. Cellular.)

Election night comes to blows *updated*

Council member Gordon Smith was hit in the head by Lael Gray’s campaign manager, David Roat, at an election-night party, according to reports. Here, Smith describes the fracas. “I went to Lael’s party, I was giving her a hug and I got hit in the back of the head,” Smith says. “I went into a crouch, there were a few more blows, he was pulled off of me, and it was over.” (Photo by Bill Rhodes.)

Assume the piano

The Asheville Chamber Music Series has been raising funds for a new piano throughout the year. “Well, I shouldn’t say a new piano,” says Richard Wrightson, president of ACMS. “It will be a used piano, but a very good used Steinway piano.” ACMS set a funding goal of $50,000 to acquire the instrument. “To date, […]

Wolfroy comes to town

“Go folks! Go forth! Go folks! Trust your brain! Trust your body!” Perhaps the myths that cast Bonnie “Prince” Billy (stage name of Kentucky-born musician Will Oldham) as a misanthrope who spurns human interaction, especially media interviews, can be put to rest. A sagacious quality colors Oldham’s recent work, a brightness that remains earthbound, prizing […]