In case you missed it, the Asheville Disclaimer page in this week’s Mountain Xpress turned its satirical eye on the daily newspaper with a bit titled “Citizen-Times considering addition of ‘news’ section.” But who’s laughing now?

In case you missed it, the Asheville Disclaimer page in this week’s Mountain Xpress turned its satirical eye on the daily newspaper with a bit titled “Citizen-Times considering addition of ‘news’ section.” But who’s laughing now?
Few places are as packed with secrecy and discovery as “Rosman station,” as it was long called. Now the people who have worked at this remarkable facility are holding their first reunion, and you’re invited.
The Lazy Environmentalist — aka Josh Dorfman — put Asheville in the “sustainability spotlight” with an hour-long program yesterday on the Sirius Satellite Radio network.
In a recent Xpress article on Buncombe County’s emergency plans, we warned that the grave matters discussed therein were “not exactly light lunchtime topics.” Turns out we may have been wrong about that.
Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal featured a lengthy story on gated communities, putting Asheville-area debates in the national spotlight.
“Peculiar travel suggestions are dancing lessons from God.” — Kurt Vonnegut, Cat’s Cradle Some aspects of Western North Carolina’s grand past and glorious present are known across the country and, indeed, all around this big blue marble. But we won’t bother with them. Instead, we’re here to report on what lurks out on the fringe. […]
According to management at the Orange Peel, would-be ticket buyers for the club’s nine-show Smashing Pumpkins “residency” swamped the ticketing service’s Web server, leading to a “major crash.”
Decades after Asheville’s businesses and schools were officially desegregated, some local communities are still living very much separate lives. And some of those communities still go largely unseen—or unnoticed—by their neighbors. Liam Luttrell-Rowland is out to change that for the young residents of Asheville’s predominantly African-American Erskine neighborhood. He’s put their daily lives in the […]
For Jeffrey Green, who’s been publisher of the Asheville Citizen-Times only since last fall, the city’s most heated debates have offered a quick trial by fire. Talking business: CIBO member Mac Swicegood, left, shows Asheville Citizen-Times publisher Jeffrey Green some of the newspaper’s recent cartoons that have rankled the business group. photo by Jon Elliston […]
Comedian Zach Galifianakis is a WNC native who’s tickling ribs all over the country. But his “twin brother Seth” is giving him a run for his money.
Maybe home really is where the heart is—but that doesn’t mean all homes are created equal. In the course of our lives, most of us accumulate our fair share of tales of housing nightmares—and fantasies of lodgings that are grander than our current digs. Of course, the perfect home is very much in the eye […]
A week before the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners holds a public hearing on plans for zoning in the county, two key players in the zoning debate will appear on local talk-show host Matt Mittan’s program.
City Council member Carl Mumpower issued a report this morning on drug activity he did and didn’t witness in Asheville last night.
As fans flood the Asheville Civic Center arena for tonight’s Widespread Panic concert, much ado is being made about one guest: City Council member Carl Mumpower.
Asheville Civic Center Director David Pisha has announced a new policy. “Backpacks and bags larger than 1 foot by 1 foot will be prohibited from Friday’s Widespread Panic concert at the facility,” according to a press release Pisha issued today.
If you spent part of every day casting your eyes around Asheville, you’d see the city’s finer points.
By now you’ve probably read the story of Bryan Killian, the North Buncombe High School student recently suspended for wearing pirate gear. But you might not have heard the story.
At 6 p.m. today (Friday, April 6), tune in to WCQS-88.1, Asheville’s National Public Radio affiliate, for local reporters’ takes on breaking stories.
Sixteen-year-old North Buncombe High School sophomore — aka “pirate boy” — Bryan Killian caused a stir this week by donning an eye patch. Professing devotion to “Pastafarianism,” which holds that pirates are deities, Killian has insisted his swashbuckling regalia is a testament to his religious faith, and that he should be able to wear it in school.
As he pledged to do in an e-mail dispatch last Friday, Asheville City Council member Carl Mumpower made an appearance at the Ratdog/Bob Weir concert at the Civic Center’s Thomas Wolfe Auditorium that evening. He reported afterwards that the auditorium “smelled like an Amsterdam hash bar.”
Buncombe County’s Department of Emergency Services is charged with coordinating the county’s response to disasters both natural and human-made. Among the department’s duties is compiling a comprehensive emergency-operations plan—a hefty document containing a laundry list of dire threats, what’s to be done about them and who’s to do it. Xpress obtained Buncombe’s 375-page EOP as […]