This year’s rainy spring has been keeping citizen science volunteers with the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network busy checking their gauges and recording the rainfall totals. The network helps fill in the gaps in data between official weather stations and allows scientists to form a more accurate and complete picture of the region’s weather patterns.
Author: Katia Martinez
Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Nicotine addiction remains a danger to WNC as popularity of e-cigarettes grows
Young people are replacing traditional cigarettes with e-cigarettes at an alarming rate, but both habits are hard to break, say local addiction specialists.
Mills River inches closer to extreme drought conditions
As a very dry fall moves toward winter, municipalities, officials, scientists, farmers and citizens all ponder the deepening effects of the drought in Western North Carolina.
Russian activists discuss punk-rock feminism at UNCA
Two members of the Russian punk rock protest band Pussy Riot participated in a panel discussion at UNC Asheville on Wednesday, Nov. 16.