“As a male-to-female transgender, I am eagerly awaiting the day when some officious toady denies me the use of a ladies’ room, at which point I shall say, ‘While you stand there dissecting my gender, I’m going to wet my pants.'” Is that something you really want to have happen?
Author: Letters
Showing 2080-2100 of 2951 results
Letter writer: Not actually a Trump supporter
“Neither do I support bombing cities relative to not bombing cities, but Trump makes bombing inevitable, as would Clinton, and some cities are worse than others, such as Biltmore Forest.”
Letter writer: Women’s marches lacked mature focus
“While marching ladies attempt to inspire with profanity-laced signage and knitted pink vagina headgear, more mature men and women are focusing on building a future that finds our nation fed, sheltered, employed, secure and free.”
Letter writer: A mecca for poor excuses
“I hope it is obvious that giving this type of venom is directly advocating violence toward a group of people and that you will never be a part of disseminating that venom again.”
Letter writer: Augustine Project also helps young readers
“As an Augustine tutor, I believe, that were Read to Succeed and Augustine Project to collaborate with one another they would be able to better serve the children/families in our community.”
Letter writer: Turning trash into cash
“Do we not see this trash and how it impacts everyone’s quality of life or do we just not care? Let’s begin to see the trash, and then ask for better for our city, our families, our guests and ourselves.”
Letter writer: Getting out of our mind-ghettos
“I think that often people from both ends of the spectrum can tend to live in a mind-ghetto where they only see and hear opinions and viewpoints like theirs, since they read publications that only cater to their mindset and their friends tend to agree with them.”
Letter writer: Standing up for what made America great
“I want to thank Michael Breck and Jenna Melissas for their recent letters in the paper standing up for what made America great. And that the editor’s response disgusted me.”
Letter writer: Xpress’ situational First Amendment interpretation
“Some kind of bending the duty of the press into pretzel shapes to avoid the self-evident-to-everyone-but-you that that statement is the definition of hate. Situational First Amendment interpretation.”
Letter writer: Politicians and preachers
“If Republicans won the 2016 presidential election with considerable help from Christians who held their noses, what did the Christians lose in the process? Can Franklin Graham be both — preacher and politician?”
Letter writer: Questions for our senators on dismantling the ACA
“Please tell my why it is better for citizens to not have health care? Why must people suffer to assure tax breaks for the very wealthiest Americans?”
Letter writer: Housing for citizens, not tourists
“Every unit not used as an STR is one more potential unit of housing for a citizen to call home. We need to enforce the rules in place today or we will end up losing hundreds of homes converted to sheltering tourists.”
Letter writer: ‘Black Lives Matter’ essay yielded sadness, hope
“I pray that we can all keep that hope, move forward toward honest self-reflection and change.”
Letter writer: Welcome to TrAsheville?
“So here is my challenge to the Asheville City Council and Buncombe County Board of Commissioners for 2017: Create a few dozen part-time jobs, and title them Street Sweeps.”
Letter writer: Don’t print hate speech
“I am an avid reader of the Xpress, and I am deeply saddened, appalled and outraged that you would print a [letter to the editor] that advocates terrorism and hate.”
Letter writer: Eateries should mind their music
“I have too frequently left a restaurant I’d love to patronize because someone decided that harsh music was appropriate.”
Letter writer: The First Amendment has limits
“Were you simply short a couple of column inches of copy and needing to fill that space? Or have you, as journalists, forgotten that the First Amendment does have some prudent, historical limitations.”
Letter writer: Elephant looms in short-term rental debate
“Many people believe, as I do, that the majority of City Council members have been influenced by the hotel lobby — the elephant standing in the city’s living room.”
Letter writer: Quote could be misconstrued
“The reason I think your decision was poor is that, presented as it is, in direct quotes, it can be easily misconstrued by those with hate in their hearts … “
Letter writer: City’s curb cuts improve safety
“And although it might not seem significant, indeed it is! It means we as a city are deciding to invest in our fellow Ashevilleans’ safety and peace of mind.”
Letter writer: Health articles need more rigorous approach
“An open mind is important but must be balanced with healthy skepticism and critical thinking.”