Please support affordable housing so that Asheville can be a thriving community. I read that 1,400 new apartments are getting built right now, and almost none of them are affordable to the average worker in Asheville. There are countless talented people here, and we need them to remain here. If there is affordable living, then […]
Author: Letters
Showing 2773-2793 of 2948 results
Contraception funding saves local school taxes, environment
Only contraception can save the world or Buncombe County. This means that among things that can’t save Buncombe are bike lanes, solar panels, wind generators, vegetarianism, organic farming, stream bank mitigation, stormwater management or manure management sheds. A big reason most of the above can’t save Buncombe is because they require steel to make, as […]
Little library at the end of Summer Street
We’ve built and installed a free little library at the end of Summer Street, off Lakeshore Drive, in Asheville. Our 9-year-old son, Turner, was disappointed to find so few books on his reading level at other free little libraries [“Asheville’s Little Free Libraries Make a Big Impact,” Aug. 6, Xpress] in Asheville. He felt that […]
Writer supports Miranda DeBruhl for county commissioner
Miranda DeBruhl will bring fiscal responsibility to the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners. I am supporting Miranda DeBruhl because of her commitment to fiscal responsibility, local small business and private property rights. A native of Buncombe County, Miranda lives in Leicester with her husband, Kelly, and their two young children. Miranda is a registered nurse […]
Publish entire series on Asheville events
What a great series on old Asheville concerning events that were not long ago at all. Change is swift in this country. The latest trends are sometimes weekly and quarterly. We suggest that you publish the entire series of articles, “Looking Back 20 Years,” including the relevant letters to the editor. These articles, of course, […]
Biology, history surround ‘foot etiquette’ and hookworms
After reading letters like Kriss Sands’ on being barred from the Mountain State Fair for going barefoot [“Why I Won’t Be Attending Mountain State Fair This year,” Sept. 10, Xpress] and also seeing people disregarding the “No Shoes, No Service” public health codes in Asheville stores and restaurants, I feel people need a little biology and history lesson […]
Why the lack of diversity in Asheville’s breweries?
Having visited all of Asheville’s celebrated breweries, I’ve noticed a glaring lack of staff diversity. Is there a cogent, explicable, rational reason for this phenomena? Dennis Hill Asheville
Men can also be victims of rape
Once you see someone suffering through a flashback, you never forget it. It isn’t like a dream. You can’t shake them out of it; you can only watch. A close friend of mine went through this again and again for three years after he was raped at the age of 15, and he was afraid to […]
Thanks for the memories, Xpress
I’ve totally enjoyed the trip down memory lane in the last three issues of Mountain Xpress, and I’m grateful for having had the opportunity to be a small part of it back when. I know it’s always been a team effort at Mountain Xpress, but Jeff Fobes deserves mountains of credit for what he achieved […]
Don’t throw buskers under the bus
As the city considers different ideas for the proposed “enhancement” of downtown (see the 2014 Downtown Enhancement Plan at, please don’t throw buskers under the bus. Many of Asheville’s creative community — not only musicians but artists of all kinds — depend on street performance as part of their livelihood. Visitors and locals experience the street […]
Wise Woman of Co-op dealing with terminal illness
Since Roz Marlowe (the “Wise Woman” of French Broad Food Co-op) was lovingly mentioned in a recent Mountain Xpress [“The Early Days of Blue Spiral 1 and the Best Years of My Life,” Sept. 11], I too want to give a shoutout to her. For over 20 years she has been my go-to woman for […]
Some signs are city-approved graffiti
I certainly applaud the efforts of City Council to remove spray-painted graffiti from the downtown area where I live. Graffiti, like pornography, is something “you know it when you see it.” For me, the numerous A-frame sandwich boards that are strewn along downtown sidewalks fit my definition of graffiti, and these are city approved. Nearly […]
Protect dogs, residents from unattended chaining
We’ve all seen them: “Man’s best friend” chained out in backyards their entire lives, pacing back and forth on a small piece of dirt, day in and day out, in all types of weather conditions. We’ve all heard them: “Man’s best friend” barking incessantly from boredom, lack of companionship, lack of exercise or an empty […]
Love your anniversary issue
Love, love, love your “XX YEARS Anniversary Issue.” Living here since 1987 has indeed been a good ride, and the Greenline/Xpress has definitely figured into the mix. It’s so interesting and amusing to read the various takes from an assortment of writers, directors and outlaws. I particularly enjoyed reading Michael Plemmons’ story [“The Day Hazel Fobes […]
Customer diversity should be considered
In response to Dennis Hill’s letter, “Why the lack of diversity in Asheville’s breweries?” [Sept. 24, Xpress]. You asked about lack of staff diversity. There is a notable lack of customer diversity as well. I’d consider that before wondering who is looking for employment at our beloved local breweries. Jacquelyn Roshay Asheville
The groove is gone, and history is small consolation
I truly enjoyed the last edition [Sept. 3] of Mountain Xpress. There was the sense of history, “been-there-done-that” and what it was and what it has become, but that is where my enjoyment ended. Asheville has become its own worst nightmare, becoming the land of wealthy bank accounts and Land Rovers. Although the aforementioned won’t realize it […]
Out-of-towner thankful for kindness
As an out-of-towner spending the month of August in Asheville, I was amazed at the friendliness of the people and the welcoming atmosphere of the city. And then the following event happened: I was driving in town, turning from Hilliard Avenue onto Coxe Avenue or Asheland Avenue, when the person behind me laid on his horn, […]
New marijuana documentary can be a game-changer
I am honored and thrilled to announce that The Culture High, the sequel to the award-winning documentary The Union, is set to be shown at Carmike 10 in Asheville on Monday, Oct. 20, at 7:30 p.m. The Culture High explores the motives of cannabis prohibitions from cultural and political points of view. It features Snoop […]
French Broad Food Co-op played major role in Asheville
As a 40-year resident of Asheville, it’s been fun reading the reminiscences. But so far I’ve seen no mention of the role of the French Broad Food Co-op, and that needs to be corrected. When the co-op moved to Biltmore Avenue in 1991, the street was still mostly boarded up. There was a pool hall […]
Setting the record straight on raw pu-erh teas
Thank you for the nice article on healing teas [“What’s in the Pot: A Peek at Asheville’s Fresh and Seasonal Teas,” Sept. 10, Xpress]. I am the owner of Panther Moon Tea Co. and would like to clear up an error in the article. Ripe pu-erh teas are fermented for 75-90 days under controlled conditions. Raw […]
Is Moffitt lying or out of touch?
In his current television ad for re-election to the state Legislature, Rep. Tim Moffitt, R-Buncombe, states: “Obama has tanked our economy.” According to the Wall Street Journal, this year’s second-quarter gross domestic product expanded to 4.2 percent; banks are lending amounts not seen since the 2007 financial crisis; home sales continue to rise as do home values; inflation […]