Olmsted documentar­y to premiere in Asheville November 9

On Tuesday, November 9, the Pack Square Conservancy will present the Asheville premiere of a new documentary about Frederick Law Olmsted and America’s urban parks. Olmsted, a world-famous landscape architect and urban planner, designed Central Park in New York City, the landscape around the United States Capitol, and the grounds of the 120,000 acre Biltmore Estate — his last great project before his death in 1903. Pictured here is Olmsted.

“Aha Moment” produces 3 Asheville finalists

Two Asheville residents have been named as semi-finalists in Mutual of Omaha’s recent “Aha Moment” contest — Patti Digh and Adelaide Key were chosen from more than 1,000 entrants in the insurance giant’s search for “real people with real stories” to feature in national TV commercial spots that will air next fall. Shown here is Key in her video, “Hospitality House.” Image courtesy of Mutual of Omaha


I’ve been to a lot of Gay Prides in my time….but ya know what? For me, this one was the best. It wasn’t the biggest or the most outrageous or even the most…gay. But it was full of love and full of joy and beauty and full of well…Pride. I was proud to be there. I was proud of my friends. And I was really, really proud of Asheville. So anyway…lots of super gay photos after the jump! (Warning: extremely happy and attractive people. May be disturbing for some viewers)

Local cancer charity declines money from GOP fundraiser

Hunt the Cure, a local cancer charity that was associated with a recent controversial fundraiser held by the local GOP — which, as it turns out, raised a total of $310 — has declined any donations from the event. John Boggs, the group’s founder, cites a rash of bad publicity and harassing phone calls from Democrats and “people posing as journalists” for the decision.


The men who chair the local Democratic and Republican Party organizations are a study in contrasts. Charles Carter and Chad Nesbitt couldn’t be more different — in their manner and their respective approaches to this year’s campaigns. But in many ways, both have come to personify the organizations they lead. Here’s a closer look at […]

Quiet Confidence­: An Interview with Democratic Party Chair Charles Carter

The two men who chair the local Democratic and Republican Party organizations are a study in contrasts. Charles Carter and Chad Nesbitt couldn’t be more different, in their manner and in their respective approaches to this year’s campaign season. But in many ways, both have come to personify the very organizations they lead. After the jump is the full text of a recent interview with the Buncombe County Democratic Party Chairman, Charles Carter. Nesbitt, the GOP chair, refused to be interviewed by Xpress.

Debacle or sparkle?

You’d never know it from the kids splashing around the fountain or the young couples playing Frisbee on the lawn, but a decade ago, the 6.5 acres comprising downtown Asheville’s City/County Plaza was a mishmash of thoroughfares — three lanes of Patton Avenue traffic cut eastward past the Vance Monument, merging onto College Street — […]