Thank you, Valentine’­s Day mystery man

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to an unknown wonderful gentleman who assisted me during a medical emergency on Valentine's Day at the downtown restaurant Tupelo Honey. I'm generally a calm-in-the-face-of-crises sort of person, but your calm clarity — asking just the right questions, being just the right sort of stillness — was […]

The dangers of local Web forums

My attention was recently drawn to a discussion on a local Yahoo group Web forum regarding an issue I had some firsthand knowledge about. I was not surprised that the initiator of the discussion presented the issue in a self-aggrandizing light. But what did surprise me was the number of people without any firsthand knowledge […]

Review of Rent

It’s easy for community theatre to play it safe, and though Rent is a 15-year-old play and its themes may not seem daring to some, it could be very risky for a community theatre whose audience is often assumed to be conservative.

Local Matters: Shuler talks to Xpress and Buncombe Commission get an earful

In this week’s Local Matters podcast, Xpress news editor Margaret Williams talks to reporter David Forbes about his interview with Rep. Heath Shuler (D-NC 11), and with reporter Jake Frankel and news intern Forrest McDonald about the recent controversial Buncombe County Commission meeting.

Elitist Bastards: The Hanke’s Tomb

In this week’s Elitist Bastards Go To The Movies podcast, Mountain Xpress film critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther review: The Eagle, Justin Bieber: Never Say Never, Just Go with It, Company Men, Barney’s Version, Gnomeo & Juliet and The Illusionist. They also chat about The Mummy’s Hand (1940) and The Mummy’s Tomb (1942)—this week’s Thursday Horror Picture Show—and The Hours (2002)—this week’s Asheville Film Society screening. And to top off the tank, they guess about the quality of Unknown, I Am Number Four and Big Mommas: Like Father Like Son.

The Profiler

The Suspect: Bassnectar Bassnectar is the performing name for the freeform electronic music artist Lorin Ashton. He specializes in sudden shifts in meter and multiple layers of samples. He calls his tempo-changing style “omni-tempo maximalism”; his legions of fans just call it “Siiiick!” He’s collaborated with Diplo and RJD2, and he’s performed many a celebrated […]

The straight poop

Even as Western North Carolinians continue to battle winter, it won’t be long before the ground thaws and many of us will once again be making our way to local rivers to swim, boat, fish and otherwise enjoy the scenic beauty of our mountain streams. As we wade into them, however, we’ll confront the harsh […]

Another plea for the Merrimon magnolia

Thank you for printing Dennis Hill's letter regarding the planned removal of a 100-year-old magnolia at the corner of Merrimon Avenue and East Chestnut Street [“Save the Merrimon Magnolia,” Feb. 9 Xpress]. I have lived in Asheville for 35 years, but only recently discovered the magnolia. It is remarkable. I encourage everyone to stop by […]

Build jobs, not buildings

Asheville has been getting a lot of new buildings around town, in such places as UNCA, Asheville High, AB-Tech and the courthouse. Where is the money coming from to fund all these? You guessed it: job cuts. The state is also reducing or cutting much-needed mental-health services across the North Carolina. UNCA cut staff or […]

The wheels are turning in the River Arts District

There is a project gaining traction in the River Arts District, born of a collaboration between the Hillcrest Community, Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association, West End/Clingman Avenue Neighborhood and other interested parties. Land currently owned by the city of Asheville and the Department of Transportation is being considered for a high-use urban bike skills park. There […]

2011: A Lifeline for our Southern Forests?

The United Nations recently designated 2011 as the International Year of Forests. Why? Because forests are essential for life on earth — from supporting biodiversity, to filtering our water, preventing floods and removing carbon from the atmosphere. Yet, despite their immense value, industrial logging in the southern U.S. is only accelerating. In fact, in North […]

A party house for every neighborho­od!

On Feb. 7, 2011, Buncombe County Planning and Development recommended a change to the county zoning ordinance to permit daily and weekly rental of single-family homes in Buncombe residential zoning districts. This change is strongly supported by real estate agents, property investors and property managers who see short-term rentals as an aid to the sale […]

Elitist Bastards: From Dusk Till Bieber

In this week’s Elitist Bastards Go To The Movies podcast, Mountain Xpress film critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther talk about current releases The Roommate and Sanctum, as well as giving a preview of The Oscar Nominated Short Films 2011. They also discuss the early Robert Rodriguez schlock-horror flick From Dusk Till Dawn (this week’s Thursday Horror Picture Show) and the classic Charlie Chaplin film City Lights (next week’s Asheville Film Society screening). And just to keep themselves limber, they also chat about upcoming releases The Illusionist, The Eagle, Just Go with It and Gnomeo & Juliet before working themselves into an infuriated froth over the mere existence of Justin Bieber: Never Say Never.