“The Big Parade: Grammy-Winning Kids’ Singer Leads a Chorus Line of Famous Friends&#8221

The first time I really became aware of Dan Zanes he was plinking a mandolin on an episode of Sesame Street, gathering a bunch of kids and Williamsburg-style hipsters around him, Pied Piper-like, on the steps of some Brooklyn brownstone. With his owl's-nest hair, craggy features and scrawny, aging-rocker bod, he physically reminded me of […]

The “Art Walk” Cover

I really enjoy getting to put art from local artists on the cover. It's always beautiful and dynamic. The collage style of this cover allowed me to exhibit the variety of art on display at the season's first art walk. This cover, like the Gabriel Shaffer (Jan. 6)  and Alli Good (Oct. 6) covers I […]

And furthermor­e…

As 2010 draws to a close, rather than adding one more strident voice to the general holiday hubbub, we thought it might be fun to look back over 12 months of rants, postulations and pleas by assorted members of this astonishingly diverse, emphatically opinionated and sometimes tragically divided community and try to identify some high […]

“Growing Holiday Cheer”

The Inside/Out article, “Growing Holiday Cheer,” is my favorite of 2010 because it is typical of life; we take so much for granted. Case in point; buying a poinsettia for our holiday tables. We rush into the grocery store for some random item and discover poinsettias have arrived, colorful and wrapped in cellophane It's an […]

An inside job

As the Gregorian calendar tick-tocks its way into 2011, many Ashevilleans will make resolutions hoping to change their lives for the better. Many start out with good intentions, but according to national polls, about 75 percent won't succeed. Gary Rollins, a local personal and professional development coach, suggests that the usual efforts don't create lasting […]

The most-viewed letters of 2010

Every week, the Mountain Xpress receives a steady bundle (or packet, in Internet terms) of letters, mostly through e-mail, from readers in our community. Whether the subject refers to a specific Xpress article, an experience in Asheville or a reader’s opinion on politics, the economy or any other topical matter, we always welcome contributions. Below […]

Elitist Bastards: I’m Dreaming Of A Black Christmas

In this week’s Elitist Bastards Go To The Movies podcast, Mountain Xpress film critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther discuss current releases Tron: Legacy, The King’s Speech, I Love You Phillip Morris, True Grit, Yogi Bear and How Do You Know. They also talk about Black Christmas (this week’s Thursday Horror Picture Show) and The Thin Man (next week’s Asheville Film Society screening), as well as soon-to-open films Little Fockers and Gulliver’s Travels.

Kicking it community

This fall, five Asheville artists and entrepreneurs received a “kickstart” from their communities through a new Internet-based campaign. With the cumulative help of 381 supporters, a total of $31,387 was raised to fund everything from recording sessions to a food truck. How? Kickstarter.com. Founded in 2009, kickstarter.com helps artists fundraise for their creative endeavors through […]

Silent night — Please!

We’ve been subjected to holiday music for more than a month, Which is, for some, more than a month too long. We asked some of our favorite local musicians which holiday song they really hated. You know, that one song that every time it comes on the radio just made them want to jam icicles […]

The profiler’s year in review

If you… Were regularly mistaken for a boy until you were 11, Campaigned to be president of the Math Club in high school, Couldn’t decide who was cooler, Karen or Richard Carpenter, Consider caring for curly hair a legitimate hobby… Then you, too, could write The Profiler! I feel so fortunate to live in this […]

Are we living in a meat mecca?

You could call Southern Appalachia meat-lover’s mecca. That’s because area farmers raise almost everything, from beef to rabbit to turkey, year-round. It’s also because area chefs are buying local and including innovative meat dishes on their menus. While many of us may prefer to stay in the “safety net” of turkey, chicken or beef, our […]