Undaunted: Now You See Them’s Thunder-Confronting Acoustic Finale

When Asheville-based, folk-leaning indie-pop group Now You See Them were told to shut down their performance in the face of oncoming rain as their Sunday set at Bele Chere came to a close, the band instead decided to tempt fate. Braving the increasing drizzle, the threatening sound of thunder, and a sound engineer who didn’t realize their plan, the group turned a shortened set into a fantastic bit of live music.

Recalling Bele Cheres past

It was Bele Chere weekend 1990? 1991? … Friday or Saturday afternoon, just around suppertime. Temperature still in the high 80s … The publisher had already half jokingly threatened that anyone who blew off editing weekend might not have a job come Monday. My desk was trapped directly above a kielbasa stand on the street below; there was no air conditioning in that old building…
Former Green Line (Xpress precursor) reporter/editor Andrea Helms remembers how it was

URTV: Channel vision

Depending on who you talk to, URTV is either facing imminent shutdown or adequately funded through next June. In the space of a few weeks, representatives of the public-access channel have given widely conflicting accounts of its financial status. “We’ll be out of money as of August,” Executive Director Pat Garlinghouse stated early last month […]

The Green Scene: Preserving the future while holding on to the past

July 29 marks graduation from AmeriCorps Project Conserve for 22 environmental enthusiasts who have been serving at 14 different environmental organizations throughout Western North Carolina. Take me to the river: AmeriCorps Project Conserve members Eric Chance, Josephine Butler, Maureen Halsema and Rebecca Childress gathered a truckload of trash along the Watauga River during an AmeriCorps […]

A better live band

After capturing the world’s attention with The Trinity Sessions in 1988, Cowboy Junkies have continued to reinvent the music they love. Their new, independently-released album, Renmin Park, is the first in a series of four coming over the next 18 months, and includes Chinese rock star and album art from a prominent painter/physicist. (The second […]

Junker’s Blues

Our Story So Far: Exhausted from a late Friday night but unable to sleep, the semi-delirious junker has been wandering around Smiley’s Flea Market early Saturday morning in a state of heightened anxiety, turning small decisions into huge dramas fraught with apparent significance no sane individual would give them. While the junker is checking out […]

Censoring census cynics

Hi. I'm Bill Branyon with the U.S. Census Bureau. I'm what they call an enumerator (that means I can count). Got a moment? Some libertarians, anarchists, Tea Partiers and Republicans believe I'm the vanguard of a bloated and intrusive government. But most folks I've counted say I'm a welcome representative of the U.S. Constitution, which […]


Xpress' new home and garden section, Inside/Out, is now in its second month. So far, we've focused on a family that lives in a yurt, a couple that raises urban chickens and veggies, a greener garden tour and more. Drip, drop: One way to reduce water usage is to install a drip hose, pictured here […]

Don’t apologize for editorial cartoons: They’re editorial

I’ve been following with interest the reader’s letter about “The City” cartoon [“Recent ‘The City’ Cartoon Offensive and Bigoted,” July 7 Xpress], the editorial response indicating the cartoon “was published in error” and the numerous readers’ comments that have subsequently accumulated on your website. Your mea culpa was troubling, as it seems that you were […]

Xpress’ reporting on June City Council meeting was too selective

I was disappointed to read the Mountain Xpress’ coverage of the City Council meeting concerning stream-side buffer requirements [”Asheville City Council Approves a Stormwater Plan and Endorses Public Finances of Elections,” June 9]. I spoke for nearly ten minutes to Council, trying to promote sensible and fair buffer requirements. In pointing out how the enforcement […]

Oh! Well: Groundwate­r pollution has many sources

I sympathize with the citizens living next to CTS [”Off Target,” July 13 Xpress]. A photo [accompanying the article] shows the insulation businessman sitting on railroad cross-ties next to his well. Has the well been tested for arsenic and copper and creosote that may have leached from the large railroad cross-ties that he is sitting […]

A little scream about ice cream

In the recent cover story [”I Scream, You Scream,” July 14th, Xpress], I was sorry to see the absence of Craggie Brewing Company’s Antebellum Ice Cream, which is absolutely decadent. Ashley (from the Hop) makes it with Craggie’s Antebellum Ale, which is brewed with molasses and ginger. [The Hop] also makes a vegan version that […]

The way of Br’er Rabbit — and clouds

I have spent the last week and a half taking pictures of the clouds over central Asheville. Some have looked like angels or elephants, some like the forgotten symbols of some ancient clan … others look like giant fractals. While considering … what such odd formations might mean, it occurred to me just how little […]

Health care not so caring

Twice recently I was shocked … by healthcare "incidents" related to my reproductive health. Health "care" is a bit of a misnomer — health-lack-of-care would be a better term. I write in the hope that we can all do something to move our sick healthcare system along in a better direction. I specifically hope that […]

A hill of beans

Forget the expression, “doesn’t amount to a hill of beans.” In the Southern Appalachians, beans amount to plenty. They’ve been an area mainstay since the first settlers arrived in the region, and there are dozens of varieties of the crop grown here. In fact, it’s even been asserted that more heirloom beans, or traditional cultivars, […]

Outside pitch: Asheville gives feds input on Great Outdoors Initiative

What did a roomful of federal undersecretaries, local and regional nonprofit leaders and Asheville Mayor Terry Bellamy have in common on July 15? They wanted to talk about how to preserve the Great Outdoors — from environmental stewardship to saving farms. The gathering of about 350 people at AB-Tech was one of a half-dozen listening sessions the Obama administration has been holding across the United States as part of the Great Outdoors Initiative.

photo by Danny Bernstein