Hats off to the Pumpkin Pedallers

I would like to say "hats off" — or rather, "helmets off" to the large group of bike riders — 100 or so — that rode up Beaucatcher Mountain on Halloween Eve. They were delightful. And they were very well organized, polite, friendly, courteous and very appropriate for the Hallow Eve. I truly enjoyed watching […]

It’s time for Asheville to adopt a pro-cyclist stance

After being an avid bicyclist in Asheville for, well, almost four years now, I haven't seen any change in either motorists' attitudes towards cyclists or an altered political view of the situation (except for Gordon Smith, who has advocated for bicyclists). Concerning the potentially economically and environmentally advantageous qualities, let alone personal benefits, of simply […]

America must confront its own fundamenta­lism

Most Americans are appalled at how primitively fundamentalist some Middle Easterners are. Yes, some are extremely primitive. But by far the greater causes of terrorism are the primitive and fundamentalist aspects of America and Western Civilization. After all, historically, it's Western Civilization's brutal intolerance that forced the Jews to create a country in the Middle […]

Say and eat what you want

In reply to Scott Smith's letter on vegetarians ["Vegetarians Are Too Pushy About Their Lifestyle," Nov. 4]: Dear Scott, I am sorry that you are so offended by vegetarians. No doubt this is a free country, and you can say and eat pretty much whatever you want. But lifestyle does come with a price. Despite […]

Outdoors: Blog about it!

Bloggers, and that includes me, dream of being the next Julie Powell. She won a book and movie deal by chronicling her year-long effort to cook every recipe in Julia Child's seminal book, Mastering the Art of French Cooking. The movie based on Powell's blog and Child's life was Julie and Julia, starring Meryl Streep. […]

Playing dress up

Here it is, the eve of Hallows Eve, and you don’t have a thing to wear. But never fear, your friendly neighborhood vintage and costume shops are rife with possibilities — and not just your typical witch hats, vampire fangs and fairy wings, either. Xpress challenged some of downtown Asheville’s most alter-ego ready boutiques to […]

Junker’s Blues

I see them all the time in the record bins at the thrifts or in the dollar bins at record stores – in the '50s and '60s there was a subgenre of LPs designed as incidental music for specific activities. "Music to study by," "music for dining," music for "that special feeling" (a subgenre dominated […]

Zelda’s ghost

What is it about F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald that continues to inspire the Asheville imagination? Is it that their contradictory love of money and rebellion, glamour and destitution, beauty and darkness, says something peculiar about the Asheville of the past and the present? Similarities also are apparent between our ability today, as much as […]