Disappoint­ed by the disrespect

I understand that many people dislike Sarah Palin’s policies and believe that she is unprepared for the possibility of leading this country. I am one of these people! However, it disappointed me to see my fellow Obama supporters treat Palin’s supporters with hostility and disrespect outside the Civic Center on Sunday, Oct. 26. As supposedly […]

The all-American sense of entitlemen­t

So, what do you think? Seems that not much learning has been going on as a united culture in these here United States. The neighborhood is full of people hating something—hating each other, hating fairness, hating human rights—and this is a “middle-class” neighborhood. We sure have that going well, hate. Now we’re pickle juice. Yum. […]

SoundTrack­: King Tut uses the force

The entrance to Apple Alley (a diminutive performance space located behind BookWorks in West Asheville) is a garage door. There among the hipsters and scenesters stands local duo King Tut, poised between the opposing forces of their own studio sound versus their live performance. While King Tut’s MySpace page (www.myspace.com/kingtutband) hints at a band that […]

High trashy

Most of the work at Grovewood Gallery has a conservative, high-craft feel. Not so with the flamboyant new show Trashformations. Susan Hayden’s chairs are made from discarded tools. Not that the work isn’t crafty. Continuing a tradition more than a century old, Trashformations brings together the work of five regional artists who create art from […]

The Dirt: Do not disturb

Like my garden, if I don’t go dormant every now and then, I may one day grind to a halt and quit. In Botany for Gardeners, Brian Capon explains what dormancy is, and I love the definition so much, I occasionally paraphrase it for my husband, saying: “I am currently dormant. My physiological activities are […]

Mr. Love and Justice

As the writer of songs like “To Have and Have Not,” “There Is Power In a Union,” and “Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards,” Billy Bragg has never shied from Aristotle’s maxim, “Man is by nature a political animal.” Progressive Patriot: Bragg’s songs transcend mere sloganeering. Personal honesty, confessional intimacy and some toothsome rock round […]

Stakes and stones

Somewhere between good, heartfelt rock ‘n’ roll and absurd parody is Unknown Hinson. It seems likely that at a Hinson show, you’ll both boogie your ass off and laugh your ass off, too. The wild, wild South: Hinson’s Halloween show is becoming a local holiday tradition. To some, he is a persona of Stuart Baker, […]

Vote the incumbents out

On the appointments of applicants to fill the County Planning Board vacancies: If the county is stacking the CPB with business interests, the public should demand their own board stacked with environmental interests. What appears to be happening in Buncombe County politics seems the same as tactics used in the George W. Bush administration, except […]

What the people really need

I’m listening to much more media these days, trying make more informed decisions. This led me recently to listen to WCQS’s interview of the two candidates vying for chair of the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners. Given the financial crisis, budgets were discussed, as was the recent local gas crisis. Two things made me recoil: […]

The elephant in the room

As someone who participated in a few Downtown Master Plan sessions, I take issue with Tom Coppola’s letter [“City of the Future,” Oct. 15]. His vision for Asheville creates a small Charlotte in the mountains, and that’s not what many of us in the community wish. Sure, Asheville will grow. Developers and our city/county government […]

Bring the outside in

In our crazy times, many issues are on our minds and it is difficult to know who is really going to stand up for us. On a local and very personal level, no issue is more important than our children and their success. We know that education must be valued before it matters and students […]

What’s a biker to do?

So there I am at a friend’s birthday party. I’d biked there, as it was within my two-mile rule: “If it’s within two miles of my nearly downtown home, the weather is fine and I have no kids to haul, then I should ride my bike.” To be clear, I’ve been riding my bike in […]

Euthanasia letter was misleading

The animal-euthanasia letter from Terri David [“Vote for the Animals,” Sept. 24] does not tell the whole story. I trust Ms. David was not politically motivated to distort the real facts, which may be verified by going to the Department of Agriculture (Veterinary Division) Web site, www.ncagr.gov/vet, and selecting “Rules Review Commission approves euthanasia rules […]

Standing tall

What is wrong with Bubba? Nothing. Many associate the name Bubba with the South, and while it is true that only Southerners have the courage to allow themselves to be called by the name, many Yankees mimic the Bubba character—which is a compliment to his independence. As I ride the back roads of North Carolina, […]