Image maker

One gets the distinct impression that Gabriel Shaffer enjoys the path of visual exploration so much that he hates to quit working on each piece of art.  Shaffer finished six of the show’s 18 canvases days before the show opened. Pictured here is the show’s poster: From left to right, With Nine Knights, sold; Bless […]

Woodcuts, serigraphs­, photo etchings, oh my

The word “print” could be one of the most confusing art terms. And with the advent of digital processes, the question of what constitutes an authentic print threatens to become even more muddled. “Perfection Salad:” A serigraph from Melissa Harshman. The Southern Graphics Council’s Traveling Print Exhibition, currently on display at Warren Wilson College’s Holden […]

Steppingst­ones to healing

“Gardening is one of the mystery pieces of healing,” says Safi Mahaba, program director for Reynolds Cottage at Eliada Homes. Earlier this year, she approached Eliada’s president, Mark Upright, with a proposal aimed at capitalizing on the therapeutic properties of things like a butterfly garden, a fence covered in wisteria and grapevines, a hummingbird garden, […]

Paradise lost

“Asheville—Paradise Lost.” So proclaims the newest bumper sticker. But why lost? Could it be the out-of-control development that’s taking place in and around our city, which stands every chance of making this quaint, low-built town into a high-rise spectacle—the antithesis of what inspired most of us to move here? Proliferating downtown high-rises will nullify the […]

Seeking higher ground

The city of Asheville has announced it will appeal its challenge of the Sullivan Acts to the N.C. Supreme Court by Sept. 23. But it is not entirely clear that the court will hear the case. “City Council feels obligated to proceed with an appeal to the Supreme Court, but we are still committed to […]

Incorporat­ion benefits aren’t equal

I found Chuck Werle’s letter [“Give Me Incorporation,” Sept. 10] to be an insensitive personal attack against Mr. Ferguson, and I felt it lacked substance. Incorporating simply means that the individuals involved are creating a legal entity other than themselves. A small-business owner risks having personal assets such as their own house being taken away […]

Veterans, beware

I am proud to have served my nation in uniform for almost 32 years, plus an additional four years as a midshipman at the United States Naval Academy. I would do it again in an instant, if given the opportunity. I called the campaign office of Carl Mumpower (11th District congressional candidate) on Sept. 5 […]

Dr. Mumpower, I presume

Actually, I presumed wrong in the past—based on the nearly unanimous attacks I read on Carl Mumpower in the “liberal media.” He was merely a cartoon to me. So thanks very much for showing someone I, too, would enjoy having for a friend, just like his other liberal friends. Because the guy has Integrity. Plus, […]

Check the facts first

I would like to give Sarah Palin a huge thank you. She brilliantly demonstrated what the Democrats took great pains to reiterate during their convention—that a vote for McCain would [mean] more of the same. With her mean-spirited lies and her complete lack of substance, she proved herself a worthy inheritor of the Bush/Cheney mantle. […]

The pregnant results of abstinence

I am writing this letter to announce my appreciation of the McCain/Palin ticket and their support of my career choice. I am an ultrasound technologist at a local hospital, and I have vast experience with pregnant women such as Sarah and Bristol Palin. Thanks to Bush’s “abstinence in schools” initiative, my business is booming! Like […]

I’m making mine count

In recent years, I have become quite apolitical and cynical. I have felt that there was not much difference between the two major parties and had resorted to supporting third-party candidates for president. Now, after being introduced to Sarah Palin, I realize that the stakes are much too high to squander my vote in a […]

Calling all media

I am a Christian, an advocate of women’s rights and a believer in the responsibility of our media to deliver the truth. With this being said, I would like to encourage the media to give the public honest, relevant information about Republican VP pick, Sarah Palin. I researched assertions she made during her speech at […]

Getting real about Palin

Given McCain’s thrashing of the media, I know it must be easy to gush over Sarah Palin right now. But that just won’t do. We turn to the media to deliver us unbiased news. And someone needs to dish on the undeniable facts about Palin. First, she’s against abortion, even in the case of rape […]

Academic Coach Program

Asheville City Schools Foundation’s volunteer academic coaches assist students with a wide variety of tasks that support their educational success, including organizational skills, navigation of the educational system, relationship building, preparing for exams, homework help, literacy and math skills and other tools necessary to excel at school. Academic coaches commit to working with a student […]

The Berman conversion

A few years back, circumstances suggested that the Silver Jews’ David Berman take a deeper look at the second half of his band’s moniker, chosen in 1992 mostly out of a contrarian impulse. But delving into Judaism was no celebrity-gets-bored-explores-Kabalah whim for Berman. A daily truce with his darkest inclinations: Silver Jews’ David Berman comes […]

Planning Board short list is shortsight­ed

I was disappointed to learn that the “short list” of recent applicants to fill the Buncombe County Planning Board vacancies is loaded with real-estate agents, a second-home developer, a mortgage broker and construction contractors. I believe the commissioners should strive to eliminate all appearance of conflict of interest within the membership of the Planning Board […]