Rememberin­g the bee trees

I enjoyed the article covering the history of the Bee Tree Reservoir and the building of the dam that created the lake [“Like Water for Asheville: Bee Tree Reservoir Rides Again,” June 4], in which writer Margaret Williams quoted a cousin of mine, Cindy Medlock. As good as the article was, it could have been […]

Circumvent­ing the public

There are many reasons for the citizens of Asheville and Buncombe County to be indignant about Mr. Coleman’s plans to build a large condominium [project] next to City Hall. First, the location is terrible, involving the destruction of a historic building, the removal of a fine old magnolia tree and—most significantly—the use by the developer […]

Etiquette lesson two

Paul King’s recent letter concerning those who litter with their cigarettes hit home [“Litterbug Etiquette, Anyone?”]. As a motorcyclist, the main problem I have is with those who do not use their vehicle ashtrays, but instead throw their butts out the window. With more motorcycles and scooters on the road, please use your ashtrays. Having […]

Act now against global traffickin­g

I am a 16-year-old student at North Buncombe High School. I am trying to raise awareness of global trafficking in exotic wildlife and the slaughtering of endangered animals such as the rhino and elephant for their tusks (and the tiger for its bones). These tusks are smuggled out of the country [of origin] to be […]

And the magic number is …

Print this in your memory: 350 parts per million is the very top limit of carbon in our atmosphere for a safe climate for humans. Many scientists say we are already at 385 ppm or thereabouts, but there is time to drop the [level] down if we take it seriously, focus, and work at it. […]

All rise

Mr. Scott McClellan has been asked to testify under oath before the House Judiciary Committee and all of America, to answer the grossly belated questions concerning the allegations of criminal abuse of power by the president, the vice president and other Bush administration officials. The truth must be allowed to be spoken plainly and with […]

Just say no to NBAF

In all matters of security on my Granville County, N.C., farm, I consult my Shetland sheepdog, Gretchen. She’s the first line of defense here, meeting every visitor with a ferocious bark or a wag of the tail. She also monitors the airways for rogue hawks, buzzards, geese and other possible threats: A passenger jet at […]

In the presidenti­al zone

Having decided to vote consistently against zoning on every level, I looked up McCain’s and Obama’s residences in Phoenix (C-2 zone) and Chicago (RM-5) respectively and figured out how much could legally be built next door to them. According to my research, it turns out that Obama’s next-door neighbor can legally build a 45-foot-tall condominium […]

Lost and found

In 2006, The M’s had the buzz. You know: a new album on taste-making label Polyvinyl, choice slots at the South by Southwest festival, gigs opening for Wilco and indie love from Pitchfork Media. Even filmmaker Jonathan Demme was getting all fanboy about the group, aiming to shoot a video for the Chicago quartet. Near […]

Quality Forward

Alcan Packaging, Inc. employees planting trees along the Swannanoa River in celebration of Earth Day. Quality Forward is a volunteer-based Keep America Beautiful affiliate that works to achieve a clean and green Asheville and Buncombe County through community organizing, education, stewardship development and partnerships. Emphasis is placed on project-oriented work through cleanup events and beautification […]

No More Victims

From left: Susan Luke, Anne Craig, Nancy Herman, Ymani Simmons and Beth DeLap holding a photo of Rusul Jalal. Members not pictured: Susan Oehler, Kindra Phillips. Founded in 2002, No More Victims is a nationwide nonprofit, nonsectarian, humanist organization that restores health and well-being to victims of war while advocating and educating for peace. NMV […]

A question of civility

Once upon a time, we stood before the Rev. Henry L. Johnson in the basement of a county courthouse. It wasn’t what most folks would call a romantic dream wedding, but it did have its charms. We were in the basement because the office used by the clergy who volunteered to marry people at the […]

No mountain high enough

All throughout my sophomore year in high school, I had The Breeders. Their loopy, lighthearted-but-slightly-weird-around-the-edges alterna-pop seemed to relax my often-frustrated teenage mind. Keeping it together: The Breeders, fronted by ex(ish)-Pixies bassist Kim Deal (pictured) and her twin sister Kelley, have survived everything from the highs of mainstream success to the lows of drug conviction […]

In the camera’s eye

Blurt out the name URTV quickly, and instead of hearing the individual letters U-R-T-V, what smoothly rolls off your tongue is either the phrase ““You Are TV” or “Your TV.” Either way, it works. Camera? Check. Lights? Check. Cardboard robot dancing for guy on couch? Check. Welcome behind the scenes of Asheville’s public-access cable television […]

Parkside would overshadow more than one legacy

Regarding the Parkside condos, City Council and the county commissioners should consider the following: • Selling land donated to the public is bad precedent. • The sale process and vote are both highly suspect. • The folks who put the jail behind the Courthouse still rue that decision. • The UDO process has been tweaked […]

Penning is not the solution

Thank you for featuring a story on the plight of chained dogs [“Off Da Chain,” May 28]. However, Dogs Deserve Better does not advocate penning as a solution and rescues penned dogs, some of which are available for adoption. Anti-chaining advocates [are] against any method of tethering, penning or caging for long periods (more than […]

Those co-op thoughts were a little rusty

I feel compelled to respond to Rusty Sivils’ very aptly titled commentary, “Get Back” [May 28]. In the interest of full disclosure: I am married to a current member of the board of the French Broad Food Co-op, and my only participation other than paying yearly fees was being a worker member for the extra […]

Give us back our front yard

While progress may seem slow, the remaking of Pack Square continues. Thanks to George Pack, community leaders and urban-design professionals, we are very close to realizing a world-class civic lawn. We should remember that this is our community’s front yard, and this ambitious undertaking will say much about us as a community and as a […]

Want green cheese with that whine?

This is in response to Joseph Crawley’s “The Oxymoron That Turned Green” [Letters, June 4]. I agree with what seems to be the main point of the letter: “The idea that things with a slightly reduced environmental footprint are somehow good for the environment is just good advertising.” I don’t think, though, that he is […]

Jerk those legislativ­e chains

A recent article [“Off Da Chain,” May 28] revealed that earlier this spring an animal-welfare group found 100 chained dogs in North Carolina in just one day. It’s time for our community and our state to put an end to this cruel practice. Dogs are pack animals, very social, and thrive on interaction with other […]