Resilience required for co-ops

In response to Rusty Sivils’ column [“Get Back: French Broad Food Co-op Has Lost Sight of Its Original Principles,” May 28], Rusty’s observations are not totally without merit. As organizations grow, it is harder to maintain the close connection to each other and the group as a whole. Co-ops have to work hard to make […]

I want to live

What a bunch of backward-thinking, money-grubbing, atavistic nuts we have in our state senate. They may actually pass legislation allowing mo’ bigger heavier trucks on our already crowded highways. They must be hookin’ for votes from the trucking industry—otherwise, how could they possibly think that allowing heavier trucks on our already-compromised transportation infrastructure is a […]

The return trip

Since giving birth 10 weeks ago, I’ve moved through several phases of trying to get back into shape—including spending time at the gym acting like a hamster. In the first week, I had to keep reminding myself that I wasn’t pregnant anymore. Even though I didn’t have a baby inside me, I still had a […]

WNC Peace Coalition

The WNC Peace Coalition was founded in the days following the 9/11 attacks on New York City and Washington, DC. Today, the coalition continues to operate under the guiding principle found in its mission statement: “We are a coalition of groups and individuals promoting non-violent solutions to world conflicts.” If you or your group share […]

Dead and back again

Hard work eventually pays off—that’s a mantra in the world of independent music. Bands that have been around for years still struggle just to get a few pairs of feet through a club’s doors, and a night’s hard work can often result in barely enough cash to gas up the van and trudge on to […]

Finally, a reason to go out

Remember going to a concert and having a true musical experience? Your ears rattled, your bones quivered, and while you weren’t quite sure exactly what happened, you knew that you heard—or perhaps felt—a show that can’t be easily replicated by listening to a CD or watching a music video. You’ve had one of those rare […]

The Dirt: American terroir

Have you ever bitten into an apple and said to yourself involuntarily, “Wow, that tastes like Okanogan County!”? Or caught a whiff of ripe peach juice and thought, “Man, that smells like Georgia!”? If that sounds far-fetched, think about the last time you heard a pop song from your childhood and thought, “That sounds like […]

Walking the flats

At the end of the busy Wal-Mart parking lot on Swannanoa River Road stands a pair of decorated metal doors. I pass through them and enter a different world: a half-mile greenway that parallels the river, lined with trees, grass and benches. It’s flat, pleasant and paved. Some walk their dogs or strut briskly by, […]

Supporting a healthier America

Republican U.S. House candidate Carl Mumpower extends his xenophobia to a self-destructive, unpatriotic extreme when he advocates taking access to medical services away from undocumented immigrants. Like it or not, we all drink the same water, eat the same food, breathe the same air and frequent the same places, while communicable diseases do not bother […]

The oxymoron that turned green

The term “green building” as it is currently used is a complete oxymoron. It really seems to be a term describing building techniques and materials only slightly better than the status quo. The good side of it is the warm and fuzzy feeling you can get when you purchase one of these homes. Features like […]

Who’ll hit this one out of the park?

Well, I guess we have another development controversy on our hands. How is it possible that the [county] could have sold the parkland that was given only for use as a park. How is it possible that it would be sold for a little over half of its appraised value? How is it possible that […]

Volunteer for angel duty

I am a volunteer for a nonprofit organization called Soldiers’ Angels that works hard to help our soldiers who are based overseas. Their motto is: “May no soldier go unloved. May no soldier walk alone. May no soldier be forgotten until they all come home.” This is an extremely rewarding way for ordinary people to […]

Option 3: Turn off TV

As a voting citizen of the United States of America, I have to say this presidential campaign is becoming a joke. The Democratic Party is the oldest of this country, and [it] is now being obliterated by the two people who could bring upon it the biggest change. It makes me sick to hear this […]

It’s about time for a parade

We are extending a huge thank you and welcome home to all the Vietnam veterans and to those who served during the Vietnam era. Sometimes we take freedom and independence for granted, but at this time of the year especially (Memorial Day and Fourth of July) we need to remember and thank those who served […]

Stop sustaining greed and fear

I am pretty jazzed about the opportunities we have coming our way in this unsustainable world of the ultra-consumer. It’s true we don’t have many options except radical change, but the good news is that what we’ll gain is much better than what we’ll lose. … What we’ll be losing: sprawl, overeating and obesity, TV […]

Dinner memories

Welcome to the Asheville of the early ‘80s—a period when restaurant development would play an important role in bolstering the emergence of downtown as a recreational and entertainment destination. Two key events in 1979 undoubtedly fueled the incipient stirrings of social activity in downtown Asheville: the launch of the Bele Chere festival, now a downtown […]

Peak performanc­e

Weaverville resident Shiloh Mielke is definitely cut out to be an uphill runner, and he has a world-class VO2 max to prove it: 91.8 milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute (by way of comparison, Lance Armstrong’s was 85 mililiters in 2005, according to The New York Times).

Get back

This is addressed to anyone who’s a member of the French Broad Food Co-op or is interested in the cooperative movement as an alternative to the corporate-dominated economy. Please come to the Co-op’s annual membership meeting on Saturday, May 31, starting at 2 p.m. With its all-organic produce and the largest selection of bulk herbs […]