Outside, looking in

“Yesterday,” says Richard Shindell, “I had to speak to a blacksmith.” This commonplace experience, the singer/songwriter explains, illustrates a fundamental cultural difference between the United States and Argentina, his adopted home of the past seven years. Craft-master: Richard Shindell’s narrative-driven songs have helped him carve out his niche in the already crowded-with-talent folk circuit. Photo […]

What a difference a year makes

Just one year ago, … thoughts of having Hillary and Bill Clinton back in the White House provoked excitement, [and] Hillary was the overwhelming choice. [But] as 2007 progressed … [and] Hillary didn’t succumb to liberal pressures, the angry left embarked on a Hillary-abolishment crusade. By mid-2007, anti-Hillary liberals found their revenge: Barack Obama. Obviously, […]

Why record the Thompson record?

Why did Mountain X‘s writer [”The Long Goodbye,” Jan. 9] attempt to intimidate Reid Thompson by publishing his official criminal background information? Who inspired Jonathan Barnard, the writer of the article surveying Reid Thompson’s battle with Greenlife Grocery, to include Mr. Thompson’s criminal-records information? I don’t see that his record is pertinent to his complaints […]

Upsetting the carbon offset

Only in America would people be able to soothe their guilty consciences by the purchase of the “carbon offset.” The idea is a complete joke. If people realize that what they are doing is bad for the environment and they are concerned about it, then not polluting is the correct choice. Flying is a luxury, […]

Wipe up that footprint

Carbon footprint? I am so sick of hearing this phrase lately. When did this term become a part of our language? Did I miss something? By using this term, we are agreeing with the language of the liberals who want us to believe that humans have created global warming. By even asking what our carbon […]

Nonsense or no sense?

On Jan. 6, the six Republican candidates who sat on the debate stage in New Hampshire stated: “We have the best health-care system in the world.” Well, Ron Paul probably disagreed with that statement, but the others were unanimous in praising our health-care system. Obviously they missed my letter in the Asheville Citizen-Times in late […]

Headed down the same road?

Recently our government claimed that Iranian ships had threatened U.S. naval ships stationed in the Straight of Hormuz. President Bush was quick to tell Iran (and the rest of the world) that they should be prepared for retaliation, should we feel threatened or attacked. Now the Iranian government [has] released tapes quite different from the […]

A family farewell

When I was faced with the difficult prospect of putting down my beloved old dog last spring, I wrote the following entry in my journal: “My dog is dying, 15 years after I brought him home as a 5-pound ball of cuteness.  He was a character from the start, and I picked him out of […]

Asheville New Friends

At a recent holiday party, eight past presidents and the current president were honored for their service. From left to right: Judy and Richard Jedwill, Gerda and Jim Groff, Frank Dastoli, Roger Hill, Janet Graham, Nancy Wilson and current president Gloria Dastoli. Asheville New Friends was founded in 1978 and is celebrating its 30th anniversary […]

Making it happen

“I’m concerned with … ,” “I am troubled by … ,” “I’m confused about … .” We hear these sentiments a lot these days. But what’s often sorely missing is a good old “Here’s what we’re going to do about it.” I am founder and president of the N.C Mountain Area Youth Soccer Association, based […]

Scenes from a service

Some art projects are just predestined to be interesting, and one eternally interesting topic is religion. In fact, almost anything to do with religious ritual is virtually guaranteed to captivate most art lovers. We gaze in awe at the amazing faith of a snake handler and the quiet serenity of a Buddhist monk sitting in […]

One-night millennium

So how does one go about condensing a millennium’s worth of music into a one-evening performance? Well, singer/songwriter Richard Thompson can’t exactly tell us, as by his own description he was “cheating” when he came up with the title “1,000 Years of Popular Music” for the show that he brings to town on Sunday. What […]

The art of unpredicta­bility

Group shows, whether curated or juried, can be unruly. The most challenging group shows both to install and talk about, however, are those with no central theme or concept. While viewers are often assured of variety in message, concept and medium, these shows can be uneven experiences. Experienced artists’ works may find themselves displayed next […]

Santa redux

When I was a child, Christmas was a magical time. My sisters and I would sit at the big table in the drafty dining room and look through the “wish books” that came in the mail each December. Indulging our imaginations was good, and the feeling of anticipation was wonderful. Yes, “Santie Claus” was a […]