How to make your vote really count

I attended the hand-eye recount of two precincts at the Buncombe County Board of Elections on Nov. 26, in order to observe the process. I continue to be amazed at the wonderful imagination of the folks in Buncombe County, especially the ones who do not read, nor listen to, the instructions to fill in the […]

Critical time for Medicare attention

I have tended to take health-care coverage by Medicare for granted. However, inaction at this juncture will bring some needed services to an abrupt halt. Without Congressional action, the therapy cap without exceptions for medical need will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2008, and physical therapists and physicians paid under the Medicare Fee Schedule […]

No time is short enough

While the holiday season apparently brings out the rush in all of us, there is one place we should never cut corners—with our children. While I am all for a ban of foreign-made toys containing dangerous levels of lead paint, there is something more frightening that I have witnessed recently. Apparently people think that it […]

Following journalist­ic ethics

When a reporter gives money to a politician, he climbs into the politician’s bed no less effectively than if he accepts money from one. It’s a serious breach of journalistic integrity. Whether he gives money or accepts it, he then has a vested personal interest in events he writes about and can no longer be […]

Southern Off-Road Bicycle Associatio­n

Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association is a member-based, nonprofit, officially chartered mountain-biking organization. SORBA has grown to more than 1,800 members, with 19 chapters in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. The local Pisgah Area SORBA chapter is a volunteer organization dedicated to improving technical off-road biking recreational opportunities through advocacy for quality trail systems […]

“Make it loud, because that’s what people want”

Halfway through recording their newest album, Beyond (Fat Possum Records, 2007), Dinosaur Jr. hit a wall. It was the first album with their original lineup in 17 years, and the same animosities between lead singer/guitarist J Mascis and his fellow band members—bassist Lou Barlow and drummer Patrick Murphy (otherwise known as simply “Murph”)—were back. In […]

Sunnyside Cafe

Flavor: Banquet menu-esque American standards Ambiance: Warm and cozy There used to be some cachet associated with being a food writer, or at least that’s what I’ve been told by gouty reviewers who’ve spent decades at table. Back in the culinary cretaceous period, a digital camera and a Web address did not a food writer […]

Thinking inside the box

URTV (Asheville’s public-access station, available on Charter cable Channel 20) is now in its second year of operation. This homegrown station offers local members the rare opportunity to produce their own brand of entertainment, as opposed to the hideous programming on regular television. As the onslaught of reality TV fills our screens with banal happenstance […]

What a generous area

After reading about the river-walk park party in the newspaper, I thought: I am not going to go, [but] because this is Asheville, I am sure many others will join in. It led me to remember our first year here in the area. My husband and I had just arrived on a BMW motorcycle from […]

Willing away cancer

A landmark study [recently] released by the prestigious World Cancer Research Fund has found a “convincing” link between consumption of red and all processed meats and an elevated risk of colon cancer, as well as a “likely” link with cancers of the lung, stomach, pancreas, esophagus, prostate and uterus. The study was based on 7,000 […]

Pass the fruit, soy—and beer

The inherent wastefulness of eating meat is making its way into the public consciousness. It’s hard to ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence, including the 2006, 390-page United Nations report, Livestock’s Long Shadow. This landmark study noted that raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases than all forms of transportation combined. Less cited, however, is […]

Encouragin­g false assumption­s

Over the past few years, politicians, media and radio talk shows, partisans, radicals and ideologists are putting stock in polls. If you seek provision to sustain your agenda, just follow the polls. Somebody somewhere will reinforce your futile hunt for satisfaction. Polls have become verification to insinuate our intent. The variable numbers give direction bolstering […]

SUV versus hybrid

On the way to work today, I saw a couple of Hummers. I had my usual reaction of vile disgust at anyone who so obviously favors conspicuous consumption over the more enviro-friendly alternatives. This got me to thinking about the automobile and whether other cars are somehow better. I mean, let’s face it: All cars […]

Missing the Renaissanc­e man

I am amazed and appalled at not finding Cecil Bothwell’s wonderful writing and Renaissance-man insights in your paper anymore. Has there ever been such a columnist who could write so broadly and knowledgeably about so many subjects? Surely, you must realize this is a mistake. — Anita Fletcher Weaverville

Bravo for Noah

I was touched to view the inspired drawing of a happy turkey roaming free at a sanctuary, gracing the cover of the Holiday Guide [Nov. 20 Xpress]. I was further moved by the poignant words of 6-year-old artist Noah Salzman, who described his creation as “A turkey roaming free, and not for dinner!” Bravo, Noah! […]

Asheville Area Arts Council

Natalie Cowart, Asheville High School 2007, performs her poem at WORD.07. She is now going to college for writing and performance. The Asheville Area Arts Council gives back about $30,000 annually to arts-in-education programming through grants and programming that support schools, students, teachers, teaching artists and enrich the broader community. The arts-in-education program consists of […]

Liberty Dollar raid affidavit

This is the affidavit for the Liberty Dollar raid that took place in Evansville, Ind. The warrant and the undercover investigation that led to the raid both originated in Asheville. This 38-page affidavit details the FBI’s allegations of money laundering and wire fraud against the makers and distributors of this private “barter currency.” Click here […]

Politics in the park

There is a constant rumble at one end of the French Broad River Park from the endless jumble of traffic crossing the bridge over the river into West Asheville. Evidently, the noise was not enough to drown out Wayne Kirby’s pointed message coming from the eight small speakers spread across a small wooden bridge on […]