Asheville Board of Realtors celebrates National Homeownership Month with contest

Here’s the press release from Asheville Board of Realtors:

Each June, people all across America observe National Homeownership Month. This year, the Asheville Board of REALTORS® is celebrating homeownership by holding the WNC Homeownership Awards, where members of the community will vote for their favorite among submissions for five different categories: “Best Kitchen,” Best Bath,” “Best Outdoor Living Space,” “Best Green Home Feature,” and “Most Unique Architecture”.

Each category winner will receive a $50 Lowe’s gift card, provided by the Asheville Board of REALTORS®.

Entry submissions will be accepted for the entire month of June. Submissions must be homes listed for sale on the MLS, that are or have been on the market between April 1, 2014 and June 30, 2014. Submissions are open to the public and  to REALTORS®, must have MLS Listing number for verification.

Voting is open to the public from June 3 – June 30. Get submissions in early to help capture the attention of more voters. Winners will be announced on July 2, 2014. Contest entries are displayed on the Asheville Board of REALTORS® website and will be accessible through the Asheville Board of REALTORS® Facebook page.

Submit your photo for each category here:

Best Kitchen –

Best Master Bath –

Best Outdoor Living Space –

Best Green Home Feature –

Most Unique Architecture –

For more information about the contest rules and requirements or to find out more about the Board of REALTORS®, visit the website at

About Jake Frankel
Jake Frankel is an award-winning journalist who enjoys covering a wide range of topics, from politics and government to business, education and entertainment.

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