Statement from Asheville Mayor Esther Manheimer via the city of Asheville:
I respect everyone’s right to demonstrate and express their anger, sadness and frustration. It is important that we support the people’s right to expression, while still ensuring the safety of everyone in our community.
Following the last two night’s of unrest and destruction of property, I am declaring a city-wide State of Emergency and issuing a curfew beginning tonight. The curfew will run from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.
The following guidelines apply for the curfew:
Requires individual to remain at home with the exception of medical emergencies and acquiring goods or services that are necessary to sustain the well-being of themselves or their families;
Does not apply to medical professionals, public safety workers, medical or healthcare workers, military personnel, public transportation personnel, public utilities personnel, and media;
Restricts travel within the city limits of Asheville;
Violators will be charged with a Class 2 misdemeanor.
The curfew will remain in effect until I declare it no longer necessary.
A frequently asked questions document providing additional information on the curfew will be made available via press release and City social media platforms later this afternoon.
State of Emergency Curfew Proclamation 06-02-2020 by Daniel Walton on Scribd
What about those of us who work in or near downtown?
So this is only in effect to downtown asheville? Not the areas around downtown?
Per the city’s FAQ (just posted on our website): “The curfew applies everywhere within the City of Asheville.”
what does that mean for me as an essential worker? i work at a grocery store. does this mean that the company is expected to close earlier or that i cannot go to work ( outside the time frame of 6am-8pm) without risk of getting arrested? what does “ with the exception of medical emergencies and acquiring goods or services that are necessary to sustain the well-being of themselves or their families…” mean?
Per the city’s FAQ (also posted on our website):
“Q: Does my business have to close after curfew?
A: All businesses are permitted to remain open during the nightly curfew if they choose to do so. However, employees and members of the public will only be permitted to travel to and from these businesses if they provide a necessary good or service. Necessary goods or services include: health care services and products, food, and fuel. Essential government services such as law enforcement and transit will continue operations.”
Since you work in a business that provides a necessary service (food), the business may operate and you may go to and from work, as I read the document.
What if I am scheduled to go on vacation of town at 4:30 a.m ? Can I still leave at that time?
Well, Yea for the Mayor!
Unlike her counterparts across much of the country, she apparently can discriminate between peaceful and lawful protest
and wanton, lawless violence and destruction.
Though not mentioned in the above article, nor hardly at all in the National press, there is the question of the high risk of such
demonstrations optimizing the spread of COVID-19. Guess such gatherings only make the headline news if they are conducted
by small business owners, etc., as opposed to victims of “systemic racism”, – which no one has really been able to explain to me.
How about we put it in terms even you can understand then courtesy of our friends on Sesame Street…
If we have reservations at a downtown restaurant Wednesday 6/3 @ 7:15, can we still go?