Asheville Police investigating three breaking and entering cases in South Asheville, seeks public’s help

Press release from Asheville Police Department

Asheville Police are investigating three breaking and entering cases of businesses that occurred over the weekend in South Asheville.

The first incident, APD officers responded to a business located near the 100 block of Julian Lane around 2:52 a.m. on May 25th to investigate a breaking and entering in progress. When they arrived on the scene, the side door glass had been broken and the safe was open. A cash register was also found to be tampered with.

Shortly after, around 2:59 a.m. officers responded to investigate a breaking and entering of a business near the 50 block of Airport Road, where a suspect broke the front glass door and entered the business. They were able to take paper money from the cash drawer, before fleeing, leaving only change behind.

The following night on May 26th officers responded around 2:51 a.m. to a business alarm near the 1800 block of Hendersonville Road. Upon arrival, they found someone had used a cinder block to break through the front glass door and make entry. Nothing appeared to have been taken.

Detectives say that in all three cases, the suspect used force to break into the businesses. Based on surveillance footage, they say the suspect could be the same person. He is described as a tall male, wearing a hooded sweatshirt, mask, and white gloves.

Asheville Police are asking for the public’s help. If anyone has information about these incidents, please contact APD at (828) 252-1110. You can also send an anonymous tip using the TIP2APD smartphone application (search “Asheville PD” in your app store) or by texting TIP2APD to 847411.

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