Blue Ridge Parkway temporarily set to one lane by I-26, starting May 14

Press release from N.C. Department of Transportation:

A contractor for the N.C. Department of Transportation will reduce a short section of the Blue Ridge Parkway in Asheville to one lane near the Interstate 26 bridge — milepost 392 — starting May 14.

A temporary signal, necessary for the safety of drivers and workers, will permit one direction of traffic to flow at a time through this 400-yard section just west of the interstate. Delays should be limited to less than 15 minutes, depending on traffic. Transportation officials anticipate this short, one-lane closure to be in place for approximately two weeks.

Crews from Fluor-United will begin constructing a new section of the parkway in this area that will align the historic highway with the new bridge over the interstate. Contract crews have cleared the appropriate property and will begin detailed earthwork as one of the first operations.

NCDOT and National Park Service officials remind drivers to remain alert, slow down and obey all signs and temporary signals.

Daily road status information is available on the Blue Ridge Parkway website.

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