Buncombe County Board of Education announces board vacancy

News release from Buncombe County Schools:

At-Large School Board Member Mrs. Amanda Simpkins has announced her resignation from the Buncombe County Schools Board of Education effective May 15, 2024, citing personal reasons.

“Mrs. Simpkins’ analytical abilities have helped our board focus as we made difficult decisions,” said Chair Ann Franklin. “We appreciate her work and wish her the best.”

The Buncombe County Board of Education is seeking applicants to fill the seat of the At-Large School Board Member through the end of the seat’s current term, which expires November 30, 2024.

Applicants should email letters of interest describing education, relevant experience, and involvement with public schools to kimberly.matthews@bcsemail.org by the close of business on May 22, 2024. You are also welcome to include a resume. Any item submitted is public record and open to public review. The board will appoint a candidate to fill the vacancy per Buncombe County Board of Education policy 2115.

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