Buncombe County Commissioners looking for public input on millions in COVID-19 relief funding

Press release from Buncombe County Government:

Before the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners vote on the next round of spending in the $50 million American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) COVID-19 relief funding, they want to hear the community’s thoughts on prioritizing the funding. There will be a public input session hosted by County Commissioners for each district. Community members can attend any meeting they choose, regardless of district. Additional public comment time during regularly scheduled Commissioners meetings will be allocated for those organizations that have already submitted ARPA applications. Commissioners will also hold a listening session for Buncombe County departments and programs that submitted applications.

On Aug. 31, the Board of Commissioners approved the initial slate of $11.3 million for County investment projects that meet community needs head-on as the first in a series of rounds of COVID Recovery Funding projects will help with short- and long-term goals while addressing ongoing pandemic-related needs across Buncombe County. Commissioners have already reviewed nearly 150 project proposals along with more than 7,600 survey responses from the public.

Community Listening Session Dates/Times/Links

American Rescue Plan Act Funding Public Input Session for Buncombe County District 1 with Live Spanish Interpretation

Friday, September 24 from 12 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

Join the meeting here: https://us06web.zoom.us/ j/84416372774

Facebook Event Link

Panelists: Brownie Newman, Al Whitesides, Terri Wells

American Rescue Plan Act Funding Public Input Session for Buncombe County District 2/3 with Live Spanish Interpretation

Monday, September 27 from 4 p.m.-5:30 p.m.

Join the meeting here: https://us06web.zoom.us/ j/84041743113

Facebook Event Link

Panelists: Brownie Newman, Jasmine Beach-Ferrara, Parker Sloan

American Rescue Plan Act Funding Public Input Session for Buncombe County District 2/3 with Live Spanish Interpretation

Tuesday, September 28 from 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

Join the meeting here: https://us06web.zoom.us/ j/86385684082

Facebook Event Link

Panelists: Brownie Newman, Robert Pressley, Amanda Edwards

For more information about ARPA funding in Buncombe County including examples of allowable projects, click here.


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