City of Asheville announces the publication of the Affordable Housing Plan

From City of Asheville:

On Monday, September 9, 2024, the City of Asheville published the final Affordable Housing Plan.

The plan is available on the project page of the City of Asheville website.

The City will begin implementing some of the top priority strategies this Fall. Staff will work with the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee, community partners, and stakeholders on specific recommendations from the plan.

Top priorities include:

  • Increasing regulatory incentives for housing

  • Supporting the construction of for-sale and rental housing

  • Community education on resources, rights and homeownership readiness programs.

“The Affordable Housing Plan will be our North Star for the next ten years,” said Sasha Vrtunski, Affordable Housing Officer with the City of Asheville’s Community and Economic Development Department. “Asheville has been in critical need of a coordinated, well-researched, and actionable plan to address our housing crisis, and we believe this is it.”

The plan, which has been under development since September of 2023, was a collaboration between City staff and Enterprise Advisors, Enterprise Community Partners’ mission-based consultancy, who conducted extensive research and outreach with local stakeholders and residents.

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