City of Hendersonville Invites Community to Shape the City’s Future at Gen H Open House

Press release from City of Hendersonville

The City of Hendersonville is excited to host an open house as part of the Gen H Comprehensive Plan development process on Monday, November 20, from 5:00p.m. to 7:00p.m. at the Henderson County Library at 301 N Washington St. in Hendersonville, NC.

Participants can drop in between 5:00 p.m. to 7:00p.m. to meet City representatives and provide their input on the future of Hendersonville.

Open House attendees will have the opportunity to:

  • Review the existing conditions analysis which includes an overview of Hendersonville’s demographic data, geography, transportation network, land use patterns, community character, and much more
  • Participate in planning exercises to help prioritize community needs
  • Take home information about the plan to share
  • Share ideas for the future of Hendersonville, including parks & greenways and downtown
  • Enjoy light refreshmentsThe input received from residents (through the survey, stakeholder meetings, mapping exercises, Council Comp-versations, and Open House) is combined with the existing conditions to set the framework for recommendations on how the City should plan for the future.Kids are welcome to attend the open house! Activities will be provided, along with some Gen H Comprehensive Plan giveaways. The event will be held in the Kaplan Auditorium of the Main Library. Free parking is available in the library parking lot with access from 3rd Avenue W.

    The Gen H Comprehensive Plan will be Hendersonville’s strategy for how growth and development are managed over the next 20+ years. The plan will be used as a tool for prioritizing resources and future planning efforts. City Council can also use the Gen H Plan as a guide for budgeting, strategic planning, and making policy decisions. To learn more about the comprehensive plan, please visit

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