Common Cause hosts Asheville town hall on legislative session

News release from Common Cause NC:
A special town hall meeting this Wednesday (Oct. 11) at 6:30 p.m. in Asheville will feature local residents sharing their views and concerns about this year’s ongoing legislative session and the issues that matter most to people in the community.
Hosted by Common Cause NC, the nonpartisan event is part of a multi-city #UniteNC Town Hall Tour across the state that will 1) educate the public on what has happened in the NC General Assembly this year, 2) give attendees the chance to ask questions or share their testimony, and 3) ask for lawmakers to attend, listen, and explain their positions on key legislation.
WHAT:#UniteNC Town Hall in Asheville with residents sharing their views about this year’s controversial state legislative session and speaking on issues that matter most to them. Members of the public wishing to attend can RSVP at
WHEN: WEDNESDAY (October 11) at 6:30 p.m. **Organizers will be available to speak with members of the media before the event and media are invited to attend the town hall.**
Manheimer Room, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
300 Campus View Road
Asheville, NC 28804 (see map)
WHO: Legislators who represent Buncombe County have been invited to attend and hear directly from local residents. Rep. Eric Ager, Rep. Lindsey Prather, and Sen. Julie Mayfield have confirmed they will attend the town hall, pending any possible votes called in Raleigh. Rep. Caleb Rudow cannot attend due to a personal commitment. Sen. Warren Daniel has declined the invitation due to the redistricting process currently taking place outside the public view by leaders of the redistricting committees. Local officials from Asheville and Buncombe County will also be in attendance.
The nonpartisan town hall is organized by Common Cause NC with support from organizations including the League of Women Voters of Asheville-Buncombe and local activist Cathy Walsh, as well as 40+ statewide partners.
WHY NOW: This year’s ongoing legislative session has been filled with a slew of controversial issues, including legislation impacting budget resources, public schools, environmental protection, and the core hallmarks of Tar Heel democracy, as well as bills reducing North Carolinians’ access to reproductive healthcare and bodily autonomy.
The nonpartisan #UniteNC Town Hall will give local residents a chance to speak out and share their views on these critical issues with state lawmakers. More information about the #UniteNC Town Hall Tour is available at 
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