Democracy for America endorses Patsy Keever

Announcement from Patsy Keever for Congress:

Asheville, NC – Rep. Patsy Keever, candidate for the U.S. House in North Carolina’s 10th Congressional District, has been endorsed by Democracy for America (DFA).

“Patsy has a strong record serving the people in North Carolina,” said Jim Dean, Chair of Democracy for America. “Patsy believes the best way to strengthen the economy is through job creation for North Carolina’s middle class and through providing the proper job training necessary to compete in today’s job market. She’s got a strong vision for her community, and I’m proud to endorse Patsy for North Carolina’s 10th district.”

DFA is a national, one-million member grassroots organization working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up. Founded by Howard Dean in 2004, DFA provides campaign training, organizing resources, and media exposure in support of progressive issues and candidates up and down the ballot.

“I am proud to have Democracy for America’s support in my campaign for Congress,” said Patsy “DFA and I have the same goal—make sure our political system works for everybody.”

Rep. Patsy Keever (NC-115) is a Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in North Carolina’s 10th Congressional District. Keever taught in the public schools for more than 25 years and served on the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners for 12 years. In 2004, she ran a spirited, grassroots campaign for Congress. In 2010, Keever was elected to the North Carolina House of Representatives from NC District 115.


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0 thoughts on “Democracy for America endorses Patsy Keever

  1. TwoBears

    “Patsy believes the best way to strengthen the economy is through job creation for North Carolina

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