Dozens of people of faith to hold demonstration at Rep. Chuck Edwards’ Hendersonville office calling for ceasefire in Gaza

Press release from Western NC Faith Communities:

Hendersonville, NC — Western NC Faith Communities will hold demonstrations at Rep. Chuck Edwards’ office calling for him to co-sponsor the “Ceasefire Resolution”. 

WHAT: People of faith are expected to demonstrate peacefully at Rep. Chuck Edwards’ Hendersonville office December 19. They will be calling on members of Congress to support the “Ceasefire Now” resolution led by Reps. Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib, and for substantial humanitarian assistance to be allowed to enter Gaza.  
WHERE: 200 N. Grove Street, Hendersonville, NC 
WHEN: 11am-noon, December 19, 2023
WHO: Western NC Faith Communities [lead organizer: Circle of Mercy congregation]

WNC Faith Communities are using creative nonviolent actions to demand a ceasefire, end the US and western funded occupation of Palestine, and build for a lasting peace. 

We are shocked by Hamas’ brutal attacks against Israeli civilians on October 7. And we are horrified by Israel’s attacks on Palestinian civilians, as the death toll rises each day, including thousands of children. We cannot keep quiet.

As our Palestinian, Jewish, Arab, and Muslim friends and loved ones are demanding a ceasefire even while they are forced to reckon with unspeakable tragedies, we believe we have a duty as pacifists and Christians to join public action for peace and justice whenever and wherever we can. 

Visit for more information.


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One thought on “Dozens of people of faith to hold demonstration at Rep. Chuck Edwards’ Hendersonville office calling for ceasefire in Gaza

  1. Enlightened Enigma

    a cease fire is NOT the decision for America to make at all … we have no business interfering.

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