Early educator wins spotlight award from Buncombe Partnership for Children

News release from the Buncombe Partnership for Children:

Qundra Suber, a dedicated early childhood educator at TC Roberson Learning Lab Preschool, is being honored with Buncombe Partnership for Children’s (BPFC) September Early Educator Spotlight Award, recognizing her outstanding 25-year career and profound impact on young learners and the education community.

The awards ceremony will take place at 3:15 p.m. on Monday, September 16th at TC Roberson Preschool (105 Devon Ln, South Asheville). Buncombe County Schools will be officially naming the playground after Ms. Suber. BPFC will be honoring her with a cash prize, a framed certificate, and celebratory signage.

Suber’s journey in early childhood education is her life’s calling. Her approach to education is holistic and heartfelt. “I try to meet people wherever they are in life and love on them,” she explains. “It is important because everyone deserves to be loved and cared for.”

Amy Motley, Learning Lab Director, praises Suber’s exceptional qualities stating, “Qundra’s ability to balance high expectations with fun is unparalleled. She builds a critical foundation for our children, fostering independence and enthusiasm for learning that serves them well as they transition to elementary school. She’s taught multiple generations in the same family and her impact ripples across our community.”

Suber’s impact extends beyond the classroom. Tiffany Hagemeyer, Early Childhood Specialist at BPFC, notes, “Qundra’s dedication to early childhood education for over two decades has not only shaped countless young minds but has also inspired a generation of educators. Her commitment to creating a nurturing, inclusive environment sets a gold standard in our field.”

Colleagues and parents alike laud Suber’s contributions:

  • Elizabeth Stockslager, a supervisor, highlights Suber’s role in providing “stability combined with experience” to the program.
  • A parent, Carey Kytta, shares, “Mrs. Qundra has had a huge part in starting my child’s school experience with positivity and enthusiasm.”
  • Former student and now colleague, Onnika, notes how Suber “makes a difference in the children’s lives every day just because of how much she cares.”

The Early Educator Spotlight Award recognizes Suber’s invaluable contributions to early childhood education, her dedication to creating inclusive learning environments, and her enduring impact on the TC Roberson community.

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